Chapter 6

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"So mortal, this is the kitchen." Gundham states, turning around to face me, presenting it with a small gesture of his bandaged hand.

"It's amazing! Absolutely stunning!" I beam, running over to the kitchen itself and checking it out.

"Is the kitchen up to your standards, my Qu- MORTAL." He asks, suddenly yelling the last part.

I turn around and give him a beaming smile before waltzing over to him and grabbing his bandaged hand and the sleeve to his jacket, moving his arms around with mine in delight. He gives me this perplexed look and just goes with it, asking

"What ever are you doing, mortal?" in a genuinely confused tone, raising an eyebrow.

"Having fuuuuun~" I coo back at him with a giggle as I do a little twirl, releasing my grip on his bandaged hand.

Gundham just gives me a puzzled look before pulling away and pulling his scarf up a bit and clearing his throat, blushing.

"Ahem, where too next, Mortal?" He says, still rocking that adorable blush of his.

I decided to give him some space, despite to burning urge I have to touch him and reply

"Um, how about, animals...?" trying hard to decide, but as I say animals I see a spark of excitement go across Gundam's face and I decide on animals.

"Well then, right this way, peasant! Did you know that I am actually a dark breeder of animals! And an ultimate at that! I have only the finest animals of the underwor-" He starts, getting into one of his weird talking fits

"U-um, yeah, sounds cool..." I say, trying to show as little interest as possible to show him how not cool his story is.

I think its works because he shuts up and just keeps walking, but I see him pull up his scarf a bit as we reach the end of a long hallway, to hide embarrassment, or even nervousness maybe. As he pushes the doors open, I expect to see hell hounds and idk...fucking lava maybe, but I just see maybe a stretch of 500 ancers of land and a few pens full of normal farm animals.

Maybe 5 goats, 3 cows, 4 pigs... 20 chickens give or take, he steps in front of me, beaming for the first time since iv met him.

"Would you like me to introduce you, Y/N?" Gundham asks, using just my first name for, again, the first time since we've met.

"U-um, yeah sure I'd love-" but I am cut off by Gundham striking a pose, his hamsters crawling out to join him.

"MORTAL! MEET SUN-D, MAGA-Z, JUM-P, and CHAM-P, MY FOUR DARK DEVAS OF DESTRUCTION!" He yells, each of them making it known which they were by doing a little turn or something when he said their name.

"Awhhhhh~" I screech, already in love.

"Hi, four dark devas of destruction, I'm Y/N, nice to properly meet," I say, standing up taller so that I can look at them eye level.

I hear Gundham laugh as he leads me to meet his other animals.

~ ~ ~

"And I think that is about it, what would you like to see next?" He asks, turning around to look at me.

"O-oh, um, how about" I say in a questioning tone, asking if that was also ok with him.

"Of course, mortal, this way."

We walk quite a distance before getting past all of the animals before reaching a few small plots of crops. And by small, I don't mean back yard hobby, I mean small for a field of crops.

I smile as I see the almost matured crops. Fields of Cucumbers, Corn, Tomato's, and Lettuce just to name a few.

"Wow" I let out in an amazed sigh.

"Do you find it to be too much, peasant?" Gundham replys back, almost in a shy sort of manner.

"No, no not at all. Just- Isnt it an awful lot of work for one person?" I question, looking back over to him.

"Well, hopeless peasant. This amount of labor is nothing compared to the work I has to do in hell. Things such as-" Gundam exclaims, starting on another one of his "demonic" rants.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Gundham," I say in my normal unamused tone I use whenever he starts up.

I wonder off into one of the fields, bending down to examine one of the crops.

"What ever are you doing, Y/N?" Gundham asks from somewhere behind me.

I hear him taking steps towards me and I stand up to face him.

"Looking at the crops, Is there a problem "Dark Overlord"?" I tease with a flirty smile

"N-no of course not my- PEASANT!" Gundham says back, putting a little too much emphasis on the word "peasant"

"YOUR peasant, I don't believe I'm a peasant I all Gundham Tanaka?" I say with an emphasis on "your", still wearing that flirty smile

"COMPARED TO ME, EVERYONE IN THIS LIVING PLAIN IS A PEASANT! I COME FROM-" Gundham yells again, starting on yet another one of his "demonic rants"

"Yeah, yeah, hellish royalty or whatever" I say with a roll of the eyes.

Gundham takes the hint and shuts up, looking away and turning slightly red in the cheeks.

"*Ahem*, so where to next, hopeless peasant?" Gundham says with a clear of the clear of the throat.

"I WANNA FEED THE FARM ANIMALS!!" I exclaim, beaming up at him

Gundham goes fully red and pulls his scarf up over his nose, leaving only his eyes and raised eyebrows exposed.

"Of course my qu-..Y/N" Gundham almost whispers, his voice trailing off after he almost called me some weird shit again.

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