Chapter 8

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I hear the door close behind me as a deep voice starts talking, almost making me jump.

"To the theater mortal"

"O-ok" I fumble, trying to keep my cool.

I follow the figure in front of me through the dark hallways until it abruptly comes to a stop in front of one of the doors. He turns the handle and I hear the door creak as he opens it, motioning for me to go in first yet again.

I swallow my fear of the dark and step into the room, hearing the door creak before a bright light suddenly illuminates the dark room. I cover my poor eyes that had just started adjusting to the dark atmosphere in the house.

I turn around and look at Gundham, still squinting. It seems that he was also wounded by the flash. I give him a small smile before turning around to look at the room.

It was, well an in-home theater as expected. The room consisted of two large leather couches and two love seats. A few armchairs were also placed here and there. And the wall across from these I can only presume are expensive pieces of furniture was a giant ass tv. I'd guess maybe 60 70 inches.

"Well, peasant, how do you like it?" I hear Gundham question from behind me.

I turn around and Gundham looks almost childlike, which is not something I would normally ever use to describe him. When I turned around a blush crept onto his face and he looked away, pulling his scarf up a little bit as some of his hamsters crawled out of it.

He looked like a child who just handed you a test they got a good grade on or a piece of artwork they made. I guess he furnished this room or maybe this whole house himself.

"I love it," I say through a smile, beaming up at him.

I see Gundham shoot only his gaze towards me for a second before his eyes widen and he pulls his scarf up to cover almost all of his face as he turns away again.

"I'm glad you like it Y/N," Gundham says in a gentle tone.

I raise my eyebrows and try not to let my mouth open too wide with genuine surprise. Not only did he say my name, again, but he also said it gently. God that was actually kinda, ah, hot. Nah I can't think like that I just compared him to a child that makes me look like a damned pedo.

I shake my head to rid myself of such thoughts as I clear my throat.

"So, what next?" I question my voice only quivering a little.

Gundham allows his scarf to droop down a little so that he can see me before he looks away again in thought.

"I'm actually quite puzzled on that one mortal, I'm not too sure where to start.," Gundham says, running a hand through his...unique, hair.

"how about the bathrooms?" I chime in, low key needing to pee.

"Sure mortal, we have about nine in this house." Gundham starts to say whiles walking out of the theater.

I scurry behind him with my shorter legs, somehow managing to turn off the light and close the door without falling miles behind.

~ ~ ~

"And this here mortal is the last one. As you can see this one is the closest to our bedrooms and is equipped with a view of the outside and a rainfall showerhead. The shower space itself is quite spacious and is supposed to simulate a shower outside in the rain. There's also a remote panel for the LEDs around the shower and different backdrops. I hope this bathroom will be to your liking if not any of the others. If there's anything that I can ch-" Gundham explains before I cut him off

"I love It," I say in awe, brushing my fingers across the panel in the wall next to me.

I see a light blush spread across Gundhams cheeks as he looks away, moving closer to me and the panel.

"I'm glad you find it pleasing mortal, but as I was saying. This button is for the heated floors, the LEDs, the backdrops.." Gundham shows me, moving my fingers lightly over the buttons that go to this and that.

"I would have never thought in a place like this there would be such a modern bathroom" I exclaim with a smile.

"I might seem quite old fashioned but I am a man of expensive tastes and quite an intelligent individual that just happens to be tech-savvy. Also, I almost forgot, here are the robes and towels, and a variety of toiletries and such. If you have any further questions I can also add your number in case I am out of the house or you simply are unsure of my whereabouts." Gundham continues in his deep almost professional voice.

"Gundham, can I ask you a question?" I say looking up at him questioningly.

"If you must mortal." He says sheepishly looking away again

"Where did you get the money to buy all of this?" I ask genuinely intrigued

If I had that much money I surely wouldn't be living out in the middle of nowhere in this old ass mansion farmhouse thing. I'd be in some expensive suite in like Singapore or something.

"Well mortal, as you already know, I'm no ordinary human. I went to an elite high school where I was deemed the ultimate breeder. Since I have graduated the media has been all over me and I have been able to sell many books, start various feed brands, fund in research and invest in stocks towards animals. I'm surprised you've never heard of me." Gundham states simply, starting to walk out of the bathroom.

I let my mouth hang open a little at the realization of who he is. Gundham Tanaka, THE Gundham Tanaka.

"I'm so so so sorry I never noticed Mr.Tanaka sir, may I ask you one more question sir," I say flattening my arms down against my sides and bowing down, absolutely humiliated that I have been treating a millionaire with such disrespect.

"Nonsense stand up straight mortal, I am but the same human you have been in the company of this whole time. And yes mortal, if you must, one more." Gundham says sounding a little embarrassed himself now.

"Well, if you have so much money why do you live here? I know it's a mansion but you could have easily moved to the Hamptons or something. Why here?" I question, standing up straight and shooting him a questioning gaze.

"Well mortal, as you have most likely noticed by now I'm not exactly good with or comfortable around people. I prefer to be by myself with just my animals. I also enjoy nature as do the animals. If I lived up in say, the Hamptons, I'd be exchanging the animal's comfort for my own, when I'm perfectly fine out here. Also, if you must know, I do own a house in the Hamptons, for... special occasions." Gundham smirks with a glint in his eyes.

This time I blush and look away flustered.

"That's actually one of the reasons why I was looking for a roommate in the first place. So that when I leave on business they could look after the animals." Gundham says, turning on his heel and walking down the hallway

I scurry after him yet again, closing the door behind me.

"Well, I suppose that makes sense..." I ponder aloud

"Of course it does mortal. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA" Gundham says yet again casually.

How does this summer just keep getting weirder and weirder...

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