1 - New Places, New Faces

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"Here we go!" I said to Maya, my cousin as we were getting in her car to drive to the airport. We were so excited to finally meet our two best friends from California, Kenzi and Gisel. Maya drove off to the airport blasting Beyoncés drunk in love. I grabbed my camera out and started to record a bit.

"Hey guys it's justine and me and maya are finally meeting our babies in California! We got a beach house in LA and I'm so excited! I wonder what we are going to do once we get there but peace see you soon" I finished and turned off the camera putting it back in my bag.

We boarded the plane and took our seats. Not to bad of a flight, only an hour and a bit. I grabbed my headphones and blasted Hoodie Allen in my ears. Occasionally, Maya and I would play hang man or take selfies so that we could have some memories for later on.

An hour later we got off the plane grabbed our bags and my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered

"OH MY GOSH JUSTINE WHERE ARE YOU WHAT ARE YOU WEARING I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS FINALLY!" Gisel screamed in the speaker as I laughed. Maya grabbed my phone.


She kept walking places and I just followed her. There were two girls ahead that looked familiar. Once my eyes adjusted I started to sprint towards them. I grabbed kenzi and bear hugged her and we all screamed. 

"AHHHH OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS ARE SO PRETTY!" Maya said laughing. "Thanks but you guys are perfect!" Kenzi replied.

We laughed off dragging our luggage into Gisels car. I grabbed my bags and Mays as well and I threw them in the trunk. I grabbed my  camera and started to record. 

"Hey guys! Guess who im with, IM WITH MY WOLFPACK. WE ARE FINALLY TOGETHER!" I screamed to the camera as Maya grabbed it from me and started to talk.

"AHHHHHH GUYS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY WE ARE RIGHT NOW. We are finally meeting our best friends after three years." Maya finshed and gave me my camera. Kenzi plugged her phone in and started blasting Beyoncé through the speakers.

Finally we pulled into our house, it was right on the beach. We grabbed all our luggage and rolled into the house. Gisel opened the door and we ran in screaming. It was so nice, hours of work paid off. I dropped my bags and ran around the house checking what it had to offer. There were five bedrooms, each had a full bathroom, a theatre room, a pool, and a nice kitchen. They already called their rooms so I was left with the last two. When you walk up the stairs and down one hallway there were three rooms, one taken by Kenzi and the other by Maya leaving one room open. In the other halway there were two rooms, Gisels and another empty room. I walked into the room across from hers and was amazed. Black and white theamed everything and there was a wall that was all one big window. The view was amazing you could see the wave crashing down onto the sand and the boardwalk, it was amazing. 

When we we finally settled in we decided to go to target to get food since we had barely any in our kitchen. We also needed to get a couple things for our rooms. We got in the car and headed to target. Once we got there I grabbed a kart and we walked in. We were getting fruits and vegetables and all the things we needed. Maya and I were passing by the toy section when all we heard was a lot of shouting. Maya looked down the aisle she saw a group of guys. She smiled and ran back to me. 

"WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, GOD IS FINALLY REACHING OUT TO US. ITS THE MAGCON GUYS JUSTINE OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD THIS ISNT REAL." she screamed. The guys heard her and they laughed. We blushed. Gisel and Kenzi came back from the candy aisle not knowing what was happening. "Sorry I got a lot of candy, but i couldnt resist." Kenzi placed three packs of sour patch kids in and felt a hand on her shoulder. 

"I like those too, they're my favourite." She turned around and froze. It was Nash Grier, she has loved him for almost four years now and what were the odds meeting him in target. 

"Hi im Nash, this is Cameron, Shawn, Matt, and Taylor." Nash said pointing to each of them. I smiled but I was screaming inside because of Matthew. I smiled at them. "Hey, im Justine, this is my cousin Maya and our two best friends Kenzi and Gisel." You smiled. "Nice to meet you girls" Cameron smiled. "Sorry if this is awkward but we are dying inside because our favourite people in world are standing infront of us and we dont really know how to react." Gisel blurtted and she blushed. "Aw thanks, you guys are really pretty, are you coming to magcon?" Matt answered "Yeah we are" I said and blushed, "See you guys there, it was nice meeting you guys" You smiled. "You too beautiful" Matt replied and I blushed even more.

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