36 - Building

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I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Jack and I decided we were going to watch a movie even though it was late. And after the movie we were going to set up my bed and everything in my room hopefully before 4am.

I put in frozen and we sat on the couch and watched the movie.

Ever since I broke up with Taylor I grew closer to Gilinsky and I actually have feelings for him. He isn’t like everyone else. He actually listens to what I have to say and he doesn’t look bored. I hope he feels the same way, even though it has been a week of us actually talking I feel like we could be more than friends.

“Do we really have to watch this movie?” Jack asked from across the couch sliding closer towards me.

I looked at him and smiled. “Um yeah we do sorry.” I said raising my voice jokingly. He raised his eyebrows and moved closer.

“Someone’s sassy.” Jack said smirking. He moved his hands towards my waist and started to teasingly lean in. He was still smirking and he pulled back and started to tickle my sides.

“JACK STOP!” I screamed and he quickly put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t wake anyone up.

He was still tickling me and I fell of the couch with him on top of me. I kept screaming but his hand was a good muffler. “Shush.” He laughed and stopped. Jack stood up and helped me up.

“We are done with this movie.” He said turning it off and helping me clean up.









We walked into my room and there were boxes everywhere, a couple for my bed, my desk and dresser. “Let’s get to work.” I said and sat down on the floor.

He looked at me and shook his head. “No you’re helping me missy.”

I pouted and stood up to start opening boxes.

After three hours of constant laughing, shouting, and building we were finally finished. All the foundations to my room were set up and Jack and I just laid on my bed. There was only a pillow on the bed and a tiny blanket.

“Here you can have the pillow.” I said and pushed it onto his side.

“What are you going to use?” He asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

“Just sleep on me, I guess I’m comfortable…” He said smiling his perfect and beautiful smile.

I nodded my head and got up to change and go to the bathroom.

Once I came back, Jack was laying down shirtless in basketball shorts and no shirt on. He was beautiful. He looked up from his phone and put it down smiling at me, I guess welcoming my presence again. I slowly got on the bed and sat there twiddling my thumbs knowing it would be awkward if I laid my head on his chest at this moment.

I waited for him to say it was okay and I would take his offer.

“What are you waiting for? Lay down!” He said grabbing my arms gently and pulling me towards him. I laid down and slowly rested my head onto his bare chest. Once my head was resting on him he slowly wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me even tighter.

Jack obviously didn’t mind the lack of space between our bodies, I rested my arm on his toned abdomen and gently grazed my fingers over his warm skin.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms… Hopefully we can be like this every night.

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