30 - Aquarium

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I woke up in the basement and everyone was still sleeping. I smiled at Shawn sleeping and kissed his nose softly. He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him and squeezed me. “Morning” He got up and walked upstairs to the bathroom. I also got up and grabbed my bag and brought it upstairs so I could get ready. I sat on my bed and scrolled through twitter. On my timeline there were tweets from Emily saying she was in Vancouver. “Home sweet home, this is where I belong.” I was confused because she was living with Taylor; I texted her.

“Hey Emily, you’re home?!”

“Yeah, something happened between Taylor and I. To sum it up, I’m single now.” She whispered through the phone.

“Oh, well do you want to come over to my Moms place. I think we are all going to head to the aquarium in a few hours when everyone gets up!” I said.

“Sure, I will be there in about an hour. I have to get ready. Thanks for inviting me Maya!” She said and we said our goodbyes.

“Who was that?” Shawn came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. “It was Emily. Her and Taylor aren’t together anymore, I wonder what happened. But, anyways she’s coming over here and we are all going to go to the aquarium for the day. Can you go wake everyone up?” I asked and kissed his cheek. He let go of me and headed towards the basement.


After Shawn jumped on us to wake us up, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Mayas mom wasn’t home, I assumed she was working. Maya had texted me, saying that we were all going to the aquarium and Emily was coming. She also said that she and Taylor broke up; weird. I took a quick shower and changed into shorts and a cropped t-shirt. I grabbed my converse and put them on. The guys were all ready and they were sitting in the kitchen on the stools. I realized I was the first girl ready and I ran to the couches and collapsed on one of them. I was glued to my phone and Matt walked over to me. He sat on me and I tried to get up.

“Matt get off!” I shouted and he let his arms dangle on the sides as if what I had said meant nothing to him. I rolled my eyes and tried to push him off. I succeeded and crawled off the couch onto the ground and lay on the rug.

The doorbell rang and I ran towards the door to open it. It was Emily and she walked inside and we walked into the kitchen. She sat on the floor beside me and watched tv. “HURRY UP GUYS WE ARE ALL READY TO GO.” I screamed and the guys screamed along after. Basically all the guys were doing was sliding in the open room across the floor for fun. They were making vines too as they were sliding which resulted in them always falling on the ground or bumping into each other each time.

When everyone piled into Mayas car, Kenzi, Emily and I sat in the trunk. This wasn’t going to work the whole way so Maya was going to drop half of us off at my house, so that I could get my car and we would drive to the aquarium in Vancouver.

Each bump or corner Maya would turn at would make us hit our heads or swing to one side of the turn which was very uncomfortable. We pulled up to my house and Emily, Matthew, Kenzi and Nash got into my car. I drove since the others didn’t know where to go. The whole time we were behind Mayas car and forty minutes later we pulled into the parking lot.

I haven’t been to the aquarium since third grade; I don’t really remember anything that was inside except for the shark exhibit.

We all walked in through the doors and paid and headed towards one of the entrances to an exhibit. We walked into the tropical fish part and were amazed by the fish. Us girls grouped together while the guys were running like little kids in front of us. We laughed at how they were acting, tapping the glass here and there, disobeying most rules. I was relieved that we were the only ones  in that hallway because they were pretty embarrassing.

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