8 - Truth

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I went to the house and grabbed a couple things for the guys and I. I decided to go to Starbucks and get Justine a drink. She'll like that, I ordered and decided to get all the girls a drink. I paid and waited. There were a couple fans looking at me and asked for a picture. After I took a picture I saw Katie and she was walking in. "Hey Katie, havent seen you since a year ago. How are you doing?" I asked "Oh hey, Matt. Good but i miss you" She said and she grabbed my hand. I was confused, she still liked me. I have no feelings for her what so ever. I love Justine. I quickly pulled away "I dont like you like that Katie, I thought we established that last year." I said and she looked confued. "Oh yeah sorry, i dont know what got in me." She said and looked embarassed and left Starbucks. The fans were there still waiting for their drinks and they smiled at me. I smiled back and left with my drinks. 

Traffic was really bad. It took me two hours to get a couple blocks down from where I was, even though the house is twenty minutes away. I wonder if they know where I am, I wonder whats hapening. Minutes later i get a tweet. Mentioned by @justine_natino: @TheMattEspinosa we're done. As soon as I read that I rushed to her house. Traffic was still bad. I was getting worried. Ten minutes pass and I get a call from Maya. "Hello?" I say. 'GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE, YOU THINK YOU CAN CHEAT ON MY COUSIN, DAMN YOU THOUGHT WRONG. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU." She said and hung up. What is going on. I turned down another street and the guys were texting me. "What did you do." "What the hell bro" "Hurry up and come here and explain" They all said basically. I turned down their street and pulled up the drive way. I knocked on the door and Cameron answered. I walked in and they were all sitting in the living room. What the hell is going on.

I sat down on the only spot left. The ground. 

"Okay, explain." Kenzi said and she threw me her phone. I looked at it and it was a picture of Katie holding ny hand. Wow that looked bad, she was caressing my arm. "Holy fuck, that was today I know. Guys I didnt cheat on her I..." I started until Gisel interupted. "Oh yeah okay, so you love Justine but you go around with her." She said "NO GISEL, not at all. Im not that type of guy. Okay I went to starbucks to get Justine a drink and decided to get you all one. See they are right there." I said pointing to the table. "And, Katie walked in and started flirting with me and she held my hand. I was talking to some fans before she walked in and I guess they took a picture of her holding my hand. SHE GRABBED MY HAND AND I MOVED IT AS SOON AS I COULD. I guess they got a picture. I swear on my life guys I would never." I finished. "GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS AND TALK TO HER. SHE HAS BEEN IN THERE FOR 4 HOURS DOING WHO KNOWS WHAT THINKING WHO KNOWS WHAT. CLEAR THINGS UP. She looked so depressed when I went up and talked to her" Kenzi said and pushed me up the stairs. 

I walked up to her door and knocked. I turned the knob and it was open. Justine was looking outside at the beach. She turned her head. "GET OUT I HATE YOU." She screamed. She looked misserable, her eyes were so puffy. "I CAN EXPLAIN JUSTINE PLEASE" I said "GET OUT!" She screamed even louder. "KATIE HELD MY HAND AND I PULLED BACK AS SOON AS I COULD I LOVE YOU NOT HER." I shouted at her. She looked scared. She was shaking and crying. She collapsed on the ground. "Matt.." Her voice cracked and she looked up at me. I was starting to cry, I cant believe she felt this sad, she could of hurt herself. "I swear on my parents lives that I love you and only you, I dont have feelings for her at all. I was getting you starbucks and she walked in fans took those pictures I was talking to them before. I swear baby, I love you." She hugged me tight. "Do you forgive me?" I said. She kissed me softly. She nodded her head and I guess shes fine now. "If you ever cheat on me Matthew, I will probably not be able to function. I wasnt going to leave my room to eat or anything. I would of died in here with a broken heart. "  "Will you be my princess again?" I asked I got up and brought her with me to the washroom. She washed her face and we went downstairs. I gave her her drink. She smiled and kissed me. Thanks babe. 


We were swimming in the pool and goofing around. Im happy Matt and Justine are back together. Gisel and Cameron were having a jumping competition. I joined them. I was up next and I did a back dive. Me and Justine use to do these all the time at our uncles pool. Those were good times. I loved going there and swimming for hours and not caring about anything else. I remeber all those music videos we made because we thought we had sixth grade swag.  As I came back up Justine ran to me and we did a back dive together. I guess she remembers still. It made me smile. We were so close we are practiaclly sisters. Im so happy Kenzi and Gisel are our best friends. Im so happy that we actually made our goal happen. We live together now and we are closer than ever. 


After swimming in the pool I took a shower and blow dryed my hair. Matt was watching tv. I smiled at him and he walked up to me. He had no shirt on, lord have mercy. Oh my goodness. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me from behind. "I'll always love you Justine. Forever and always." He said and kissed my neck. I pushed us back to the bed. He was now on top of me kissing my neck still. Sucking actually, probably going to leave a mark. I rolled us over so I saw laying on him now. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up at him and smiled. "I love you Matthew"

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