23 - HELPless

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I bought Justine a water and passed by Taylor and Carter. They were sitting at a bench near the shop where I was at.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked them sitting down beside them.

"Oh good, hey Matt! How's justine?" they asked me. I smiled and looked down. "She's good." I simply answered.

I invited them to call all the guys and their girls to come down to the beach in 5 mins so we could hang out alone at the part me and justine picked. I said goodbye and walked towards the part we were at. I suddenly stopped seeing someone getting assaulted where we use to sit. A guy was pushing a girl I the tree and feeling her up. He raised his hand and slapped her. I had to stop this, I panicked and called 911. I told them what was happening and ran over towards he group.

I stopped dead in my tracks as tears made there way to my eyes. It was Justine with that guy against the tree.

I sprinted towards them but the guys friends stopped me and pushed me down on the sound and they hovered over me. They kept nudging me with their feet as I hear cries coming from Justine. She was holding her now bruised cheek. I was furious, you shouldn't lay a hand on any girl, especially my girlfriend. She was screaming in pain, I saw his hand squeeze her thigh tightly and when he moved his hand away there were black and blue bruises forming where he made contact.

I couldn't watch anymore but I didn't want her to get hurt. The guy pushed his hands down her pants and she tried to kick and scream. I couldn't handle this. I was about to run up and grab him off but one of his friends kicked my leg that was broken. "GET THE FUCK OFF HER." I screamed to this rapist.


Erik didn't obey to matts screams and started to take his pants off. Once they were down at his knees he took Justines off and rubbed her up. The sound of police sirens were heard as the guys cursed and ran off as fast as they could leaving Justine and Matt lying on the beach. The police men ran out and caught Erik and 4 of his friends. The other two were no were too be found.

The rest of the group came running towards their friends. Carter, Taylor, Shawn, Nash, Cam and the girls ran up Justine and Matt.


We were following Taylor and Carter to a smaller part of the beach when we heard police sirens going off. When we got closer to the spot I saw 2 people lying on the sand. I walked faster hoping nothing and happened to them. I realized it was Justine and Matt. I started sprinting towards them with tears running down my face.

"Guys" I said choking on my tears. I got down beside Justine and helped her get dressed. She hugged me tightly crying really hard into my shoulder. I rubbed her back also crying.

She let go of me and helped Matt so he was sitting up. She hugged him tightly as she shook furiously probably scared of what had just happened.

"What happened?" I asked them. Matt explained to me and Justine just nodded looking at me crying. I noticed a purple hand mark on her cheek. I started to tear up more. "That piece of shit." I said, anger built up in me as I hugged them tightly.

I don't understand why everything happens to them. The things that happened are usually really bad and it hurts them so much. They are so strong I wouldn't be able to handle all this negative energy. She was a couple seconds on getting raped for gods sake, why is life so cruel. Matthew had to watch her and hear her screams with out having the strength to help her because his leg was hurting. I don't understand anything anymore.


After the police interviewed Matt and I we walked home slowly. My thighs hurt and my back was also sore. I always had to stop because the pain in my back kept shooting in my spine. That douche pushed me up on the tree pushing harder for me to feel pain because I wasn't obeying what he wanted me too do.

That was one of the most scariest moments of my life. That little bitch was so cruel, why would he slap me, why would he rape me, why would he hurt me, why did he choose me as his target, why me, why?! I started crying again. Matts leg wasn't sprained or broken thank god. The guy didn't kick him hard enough to do damage.

I wanted to curl up in my blankets and escape from everything. All the stress and all the pain this summer has caused me is so overwhelming. Why is it planned like this. Why the fuck was I targeted to face that situation. Why the fuck does everything happen to Matt and I?!

When we got inside Matt had to carry me up the stairs because I was shaking and crying so hard that I couldn't move anymore. Matt took his clothes off and changed into sweats. He undressed me carefully asking if it was okay and he put his sweater on over my head. I grabbed my spandex and threw them on. .

We laid in bed as we both cried in each other's arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry" Matt cried and kept repeating over and over again. It was making me upset because there was nothing he could of done. I was lucky enough that he called 911 before even realizing it was me.

"Shhhh, it's okay Ma...." I said but he cut me off.


"I CANT TAKE LIFE ANYMORE, WHY DO THINGS HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS? ............ Why cant I make you happy.... Wh.. Why can't we be happy?" He collapsed on my shoulder and cried softly. He was making me cry harder. He was broken.... We were broken and I don't know what's going to fix us.

"I know Matthew, everything is messed up. I understand." I couldn't continue I was choking on my tears as I sobbed into the blanket that were on me.

"If I cut deeper or if I drove faster I would have been gone. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WOULD OF MEANT?! That would mean you wouldn't have all this pain and stress being carried with you. I'm bad luck, I'm stupid, I'm useless, I'm nobody. I shouldn't even be here! I cheated death. If I wasn't here you would be happy with all your friends around you people that care for you. My mom was my rock and now she's gone. Justine I need help I don't want to be here anymore I don't want to live anymore." He cried harder. He was shaking. I was shaking and crying. I can't believe he wanted to kill himself again. I can't believe he was regretting not cutting himself deep enough or driving fast enough to kill him instantly.

"why, why... WHY AM I HERE?" He screamed at himself. He started hitting his head. I cried as he was doing this

"Matt stop." I said to him he kept hitting himself. "Matt.." It was getting annoying

"MATTHEW STOP YOURE GOING TO HURT YOURSELF." I screamed and he kept going

"YOURE HURTING ME TOO MATT FUCKING STOP!" I screamed louder at him grabbing his hands tightly and brought them too my lips and kissed them softly.

"If you weren't here Matt..." Tears streamed down my face.... "I wouldn't be here Matt." I said and he hugged me tightly

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