3 - Truth or Dare

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"If you guys want to come over you can, our house is only twenty minutes from here." Kenzi said

"Sure but your coming in Cameron's car with me" Nash replied and grabbed Kenzi's waist. "Does anyone want to come with us?" Matt was about to open his mouth but Shawn beet him to it. I could see the disappointment in Matts eyes so you smiled at him. He smiled back and you guys parted.

Once you were in the car, Maya was driving and shawn was in the passenger side. Beep beep, my phone went off. I got a text, from Matt.

Matt: I wanted to come with you guys but Shawn was too fast.

Justine: aww it's okay, were only ten minutes away from my house I'll see you there 😊

I replied and put my phone back on my lap.

Minutes passed and we were sitting outside on the pool hairs just talking about our lives and anything that came to mind. Shawn's arms were around Maya's waist. They looked so cute, Gisel was sitting on Cameron's lap and they were gigging. My head was rested on Matts shoulder.

"Do you guys want to play truth or dare?" Nash asked.

"Sure" everyone but me replied, I kind of just nodded my head slowly because I didn't want to sit out and be the odd one out, so I agreed.

"Maya truth or dare?" Cameron asked.

"Dare" she blurted.

"I dare you to strip and run down the street screaming 'help me I lost my goldfish!' Don't be a chicken" Cameron finished. Maya stripped down and ran down the street saying what she needed too and we were all laughing so hard I was on the ground dying. When she got back to us she was shivering. She put her clothes back on and Shawn hugged her for heat.

"Gisel truth or dare?" I asked Gisel

"Truth" she replied

"Do you want to be more than friends with Cameron?" I said to her and she looked down. She was probably really embarrassed but she started to talk.

"Well, when I found out who you were I instantly fell in love. It was a fan crush like I would scream when you posted a new picture and I would always be happy when you tweeted. That was just a fan crush..."

Cameron looked sad when those words came out.

"...but now that I actually saw you at target you were beautiful, you were what I imagined you to be and much more. Your so sweet Cam and your perfect. Meeting that day changed my whole life because I actually want something more than is being just friends."

Gisel finished and hid her face in her hands. Cameron gently grabbed her face and smashed his lips on hers.

"Okay that's enough" Matt said, I laughed.

"Okay who's next?"

"Kenzi truth or dare?" Matt said.

"Dare" she replied.

"I dare you to kiss Nash right now for a minute and I'll be counting down. Pucker up love birds" Matt finished.

Nash grabbed Kenzi's neck gently and kissed her lips softly. Their lips moved in since with each kiss and Nash pulled away. And Kenzi smiled.

"Truth or Dare Matthew?" Gisel asked

"Dare of course." He replied

"I dare you to make out with Justine right in front of us." I looked at him and Gisel wide eyed. I felt uncomfortable and I started to get up and go inside. I was about to walk inside when Matt pulled me back. "You don't have to if you don't want too you know I wouldn't make you do something you wouldn't want to." Matt said, he was sincere with the way he looked in your eyes.

I hugged him and smiled. "Thanks Matt, it's just I feel uncomfortable because I just had my first kiss two hours ago... And it was really good." I whispered the last part in Matts ear. He smiled and kissed me softly.

I felt myself being pushed over. Cameron and Nash were pushing us in the pool and we splashed in the water. I swam to the top and got out. "WHO WANTS A HUG?!" I screamed really loud. I ran up to Cameron and held on to him

"Matt push us in, hurry!" I screamed to Matt and we went in. After that everyone just jumped in. Good thing we left our phones on the table.

Later that night the guys were staying over. Shawn in Maya's room, Cameron in Gisel's room, Nash in Kenzi's and Matt in mine. I didn't really care having Matt sleep in my bed.

We were lying down and I started to fall asleep. Matts arms were around my body and my head was on his chest. He kissed my head

"you know I really like you Justine" Matt said which surprised me.

"I like you a lot too Matt, your perfect in my eyes" I smiled and he did as well.

"I know we just met but.. umm.. do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked shyly. I giggle and kissed his cheek. "Of course Matt" I replied ad he kissed my lips passionately

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