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It was July 15th, Aiden's birthday. Calum had prepared a surprise party for him this year to celebrate. He acted like he forgot his birthday and even though it broke his heart to see Aiden's face when Calum said he had no idea what today was, he knew it would be worth it. He invited Ashton and Daniella, Luke and Amanda, and Isla and Michael. He planned some movies and had wood to do a small bonfire in the back. Even though Aiden was upset that Calum forgot his birthday, Cal knew he didn't want something big. He asked Luke to go pick him up from his parent's house, since he was so mad at Calum that he wouldn't even look at him.

"Luke, I know you care for Calum but he forgot my birthday. I don't want to go in there." Aiden said from outside the door.

"Come on Aiden, he wants to apologize. You know he loves you." Luke said, trying to reason with him. Isla rubbed her cousins back, knowing that he felt bad.

"Okay fine, you owe me Hemmings." Aiden said, using his key to get into Calum's and his shared house. He turned on the lights and everyone yelled surprise. Aiden started to cry, running to Calum right away. "I hate you." He said, as Calum laughed and hugged him, kissing the top of his head.

"Yeah, yeah." He said as everyone joined into the hug. Once the food was served, they all went to the backyard to start the fire.

"Do you guys remember the first time you guys met?" Isla asked Ashton and Daniella, them being the longest relationship.

"Oh my god." Daniella said cracking up. "I was ready to punch him!" She said, laughing. Ashton rolled his eyes at her, pushing her lightly.

"All I did was bump into her in a crowded party." Ashton said defending himself.

"How did it feel to see color for the first time?" Aiden asked.

"Amazing." They both said. "It was like tasting cake for the first time," Ashton answered.

"I can't imagine living in a world without color." Michael said.

"Well now we don't have to." Daniella said, smiling at Ashton. "But what about you? How did it feel when you finally found Isla?"

"Well we didn't really find each other." Michael said.

"We've known each other for years." Isla added.

"It was just figuring out that we were each other's soulmates. It felt amazing, I honestly thought that I was going to be the only person in the world to not have a soulmate." He said laughing.

"Sorry about that." Ashton said, smiling.

"No worries. Do you guys remember when Luke found Amanda?" Michael said.

"Oh my god, we were all so confused." Calum said laughing.

"Why?" Aiden asked, kind of confused. He had never heard the story, he just knew they met at a concert.

"Because he had gone to the bathroom at the concert right, and then he comes back and he's just like oh i found my soulmate guys and all of us are just like wait it's a dude?" Michael explained. "Not that there's any problem with that." He added on quickly. Aiden put his hand up and shook it, letting Michael know he didn't feel any type of way by his statement.

"The line was long!" Amanda said. Isla and Daniella laughed.

"I feel that on a deep level, I never thought about using the boy's bathroom though." Isla said.

"It was disgusting, never again." Amanda said. "But Calum and Aiden, how long did it take you guys to realize you were aging?"

"A while, if I'm honest." Aiden said. "But my whole life I could never grow a beard, I mean it was impossible, I even looked up YouTube videos on how to grow a beard and nothing. And one day I looked in the mirror and saw a scruff so I knew I was aging."

"What about you Cal?" Amanda asked.

"I realized a little while after, I didn't have like one factor that made me realize. I just noticed I didn't look so much like a baby anymore." He said laughing causing everyone to laugh.

They spent the whole night talking, and then Calum brought the cake out and they sang happy birthday to Aiden before the night ended. Luke looked around at all his friends and smiled. Growing up, he hated the idea of soulmates. Yet now he realized why so many people loved it. He turned to Amanda and pulled her closer to him, kissing her forehead.

The End.

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