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It is a drizzling rain when I wake up the following morning. I decide to dress lazily. I wear a jean skirt, a 'Yuck You' sweater and some black sneakers, along with my usual necklace. I wear it everyday.

I open the front door right before Paul knocks. I lift my hood up as I follow him across the street. Paul opens my door for me again. I take my hood off before climbing in his truck. He drives us to Sam's and Kim is already here.

"Cya when we get back." I kiss Paul's cheek again before getting in Kim's car.

We make it to the Port Angeles mall.

"I think Paul likes you too." Kim comments.

I sigh dreamily. "I hope so."

"I wanna take you to the beach tomorrow when the guys go, it is supposed to be hot." Kim suggests.

"Sounds fun." I smile. "Let's buy me a swimsuit."

We go to a few stores and I buy a few swimsuits. I won't swim tomorrow, I may just hang with Kim and Paul.

We head back to Sam and Emily's after shopping. I put my bags inside Paul's truck and go into Sam's. Emily greets me with a hug and hands me a plate of spaghetti. I thank her and sit beside Jacob. I take a bite and I fall in love with Emily's cooking.

Paul drives back to his house and has me come in his home. Anne smiles at me and offers for me to stay for supper. My mom is at work, and I accept the offer.

Paul shows me his room; and it's a mess. His bed is covered in clothes.

"How on earth do you sleep?" I gasp.

"On the couch." He shrugs.

"Leave the room, I'll clean it." I demand.

He solutes me and he leaves the room. I lock his door and I scowl at the messiness. I start with the floors. I put the dirty clothes in the hamper and the clean ones in the dresser. I finally make it to his bed. Anne walks in and she dusts his dresser since he is actually allowing his room to be cleaned after I unlock the door.

After supper, Paul walks me and my new stuff home. He hugs me close before letting me go inside. I climb the stairs and I go to my room. I put my new things away and I go to the one bathroom for a shower.

I return to my room, as fresh as a daisy. I change into some comfy pajamas and I climb into bed. I close my eyes and fall asleep with Paul on my head.

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