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It took two months to plan Edward and Bella's wedding. I recently found out I'm two months pregnant. Little Karen is so excited. I have chosen Rosalie and Emmett as the babies godparents. Rosalie didn't hesitate but to accept the offer.

Paul has just helped me get ready for Bella's wedding. Anne and Karen are picking us up soon. I am in a black dress and some black flats.

Paul takes my hand as Anne pulls up with Karen. We walk outside and Karen insists I sit upfront, so the baby don't get smushed in the back. She is so adorable.

Alice coos over my belly when we arrive to their home. I sit with the Cullen family. I am beads Jasper. He is still my good friend. The music starts and we all stand. Charlie is walking Bella down the isle. That is such a beautiful sight; father and daughter.

Charlie sits up front with Rene. I smile at the way Bella and Edward look at each other. Jasper has a smug look on his face. I remember him telling me he almost attacked and killed Bella on her eighteenth birthday. That's crazy; but he is a new vegetarian and she had a paper cut. So, I guess I understand him.

After the wedding, I find my own husband and we walk around the place. We find Seth with Carlisle and Esme.

"Hey Miranda." Carlisle greets me. "In a few months we can see the gender." He smile.

"I want a boy." I smile. "But I'll be happy either way."

He smiles at me before they go to greet others. I chat with Seth while Paul looks around the vampire filled yard timidly. I'm proud of Paul right now.

I hug Bella before they head in their honeymoon in island Esme. I smile as I watch their car leave. Paul and I get a ride home from Anne and little Karen. We go inside and I'm craving.

I go up to the kitchen and I make some peanut butter pancakes. Paul makes a disgusted face before he grabs a steak for himself and some eggs. I smile at my wonderful husband while he makes his food. He knows not to eat my cooking; because I have weird cravings.

"Paul, I love you." I say dreamily.

He leans over the counter as his steak sizzles in the skillet and kisses my lips gently. "And Miranda Lahote, I love you too."

He finishes his cooking and he sits across from me. He eats his yummy looking good and he insults the sounds of mine.

"It's a craving, honey bear." I coo.

We go to our room when he finishes doing our dishes. We lay in bed and he atlas his arms around my pregnant body. We both soon drift off to sleep together.

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