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Leah hands me an outfit she chooses for me before helping me with my necklace. I lace my shoes up and meet Leah downstairs. I stop by the kitchen and I eat some Cocoa Puffs.

Carlisle smiles at me but his smile falters when my depressed feeling comes back. He walks me upstairs and he does an ultrasound and he says it's not depression. He calls Anne and tells her she needs to talk to me because f the depressed feelings.

Anne comes to the Cullen's and she frowns at my sad state. She apologizes and she tries talking to me. I begin feeling better. Once totally better, she goes home to Paul and a pregnant Rachel.

Leah brings me home after Rosalie chats with Brent in my belly. Emmett is trying to get in as a doctor at the hospital with in Port Angeles. I say he would make an amazing Doctor. He wants to be a surgeon in Port Angeles. I say he will succeed. He is I'm classes to get the license for it.

Leah and I make it home and Seth is playing soccer out back with Sam and Quil. I go up to my room and sit in the rocking chair by the window I want the boys play while Brent kicks around in my belly. 

I grow hungry and I make my way to the kitchen. I make myself a cheeseburger and some turnip greens. I eat my food and drink a big glass of sweet tea. I go up to the bathroom and I take a warm shower.

I cling in my bed as it gets darker. Sam sits in here with me, to keep me company. He and Emily are moving in. Jared and Embry are moving their bed and bedroom furniture in the room across from mine. Brent's room is beside mine, I have a door connecting the two rooms.

Sam rubs my back as it begins to ache. I like the fact he is my uncle. I turned 18 a few weeks before Paul's wanting a divorce. I frown as Paul comes to mind until I grow tired. I let out a yawn before Sam goes to set everything in his and Emily's room up . Emily climbs in bed with me and we both fall off to sleep.

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