Chapter 2

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(picture of Damien above)

Pin drop silence. After what felt like eternity when in reality was only a few seconds, the silence was broken by none other than Jay who had nothing to say but "Holy SHIT!" This was then followed by many other questions asked at the same time so I put my hand up and told them everything, well almost everything. Some things were best left unknown. After I finished explaining how I was recruited, Dad asked the one question burning on everyone's mind, 

"Why didn't you tell us?"

I smiled at him, "Because I knew you would oppose. You would never agree to 18 year old me joining our agency much less the SSS. And, it was easier this way. If you knew who I was, it could have compromised the missions because you would have been too focused on my safety when it's my job to look out for you guys. I just didn't want you to worry."

Mum and Dad stared at me for a moment before sighing. Mum said,"We're not mad at you, honey. You did what was right for the agency, for the team. You separated you personal life from your professional one and we are proud of you. But please, don't pull something like this again."

"Okay, mum. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. It was just safer for everyone this way."

Uncle Jack chuckled,"You're exactly like your old man. Putting everyone else above you."

Just then, a sarcastic laugh sounded from the corner of the room,

"You are Agent 7? That's impossible. Come on dad, this is Angel we're talking about here. She wouldn't hurt an ant the last time I saw her."

Just as he said that, I froze along with everyone else in the room. When I was born, Damien thought I looked like an angel, thus the nickname. But he hasn't called me that in years, not since we stopped talking.  Damien was frozen too, almost as if he couldn't believe he called me that. I felt my temperature rising. How dare he call me Angel as if we were okay, like nothing ever happened between us. Before anyone could blink, with lightning speed, I grabbed a penknife from my father's desk and threw it 3 mm away from his head. That wiped the smug look of his face in a millisecond. Walking over to where he was leaning against the wall, almost like a predator stalking its prey, I smiled coldly at him and said in a voice that would send chills down anyone's spine,"The last time you saw me was 8 years ago, so don't you fucking pretend like you know me or what I'm capable of. Call me Angel one more time and I'll show you just how angelic I can be." he stared at me in shock and disbelief and I'm pretty sure everyone else in the room mirrored his expression. Guess now they now know why I was called Ice Queen. Just as I touched the doorknob, he whispered"What happened to you?" i stopped in my tracks and laughed humorlessly, 

"What happened to you?" When I was met only with silence, I opened the door and walked straight to my old room. Leaning against the door, I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing. I don't know why I reacted that way. I have been underestimated thousands of times before but I never went off on anyone like that. You miss him. Him calling you Angel brought back lots of happy memories. My subconscious sounded, causing me to laugh at the thought. Miss him? That''s ludicrous. It's my first day home in 8 years and I've just had a curveball thrown at me. Yup, that's it.

I look around my room and it looks just the same as when i left 8 years ago. Walking around, I trail my fingertips along my desk which still has my high school books lying around. I was never a neat freak. My walk-in closet is almost cleaned out, except for a few clothes I left behind. I'm staring at the few photographs I had pasted on my wall when a voice sounded behind me. 

"I remember that summer. It was at the Hamptons, wasn't it?" I smiled and nodded. tracing the photo, I said"I remember us going out on the boat and having barbeque every night. I swear I put on 5 pounds that summer." Dad chuckled,"I think all of us did. But you know what I remember most?" I look at him curiously, raising an eyebrow. He smiles,"I remember you and Damien taking long walks on the beach, talking about anything and everything under the sun. I remember the two of you sneaking out in the middle of the night to take long walks and building a fire on the beach." "Dad, I-I.." He just laughs,"Sweetie, you don't have to say anything. I'm just saying that the two of you used to be attached  at the hip. Both your mothers were so sure you'd end up together someday." I scoff and roll my eyes."Dad, if you want me to date someone like that, we need to talk." Dad just shakes his head, "No one needs to date anyone. I know you think your old man has gone off his rockers, pairing the both of you as co-CEO. But just trust me sweetie. When you were in London, Damien went through some...stuff. It's not my place to tell you about it but believe me when I say that boy needs someone to heal him. I know the old him is still in there somewhere. just like the old you is still in there." I shake my head, smiling wryly,"I am in no position to heal anyone. I am not the girl I was 8 years ago. She's long gone. You just saw what happened in your office. The old Alex would have never done that. If you think I can fix Damien, you're wrong. Two broken people can't fix each other."

Dad just looks at me,"Can't they?" He kisses my forehead,"take the rest of the week to settle in. We can start work on Monday." With that, he just walks out of my room,leaving me alone with my thoughts. 


Despite my dad telling me to take the week off, I spent my time reacquainting myself with the company and the agency. I wanted to go around New York, but between going through files, sorting out my penthouse, spending time with everyone and of course, running my company, I had absolutely no time. So, when Sunday rolled around, Isabelle or Belle as we all call her, had enough. Storming into my office at home, "Alexandria, you are gonna die alone with 8 cats if you keep this up." I just raised an eyebrow at her dramaticness,"Huh, I was thinking more like 10 cats but 8 will do." She narrowed her eyes at me,"Don't get all sarcastic with me, young lady. Go shower and make sure you shave."

I roll my eyes,'Belle, I'm exhausted. Where are we going?" "Out. Now, run along." Knowing better than to argue with her, I hop into the shower. After showering, I wrap my towel around me and walk to my walk-in closet which looks like a hurricane went through it. I widen my eyes in horror,"Belle, what the hell?" She pops out from behind a mountain of clothes,"Relax, I'll clear up. Go sit at your dressing table. I'll be out in a minute." Sending a small prayer heavenward, I do as she says. 45 torturous minutes later, I'm ready. Belle doesn't allow me to look in the mirror until I put my dress on. It's a red halter neck which fits my body like a glove, showing off all my curves. I gasp as I look in the mirror. She's concealed my dark circles and eye bags. She's kept my makeup simple, doing a smoky eye that made my blue eyes pop and a dark red lip. I turn to her,"Thank you, Belle." She waves me away,"Don't be silly, It's what sisters are for. If i wasn't straight, I'd totally bang you." I laugh, but a pang of guilt hits me. "I'm sorry. I've been such a terrible friend. I never really kept in touch and I only ever met you when you were in London." "Hey, it's okay. Something happened in LOndon that affected you and I get that you don't wanna talk about it but if you ever need anyone, I'm here." Hugging her tightly,"Thanks sweetheart." "No problemo, now let's go."

I groan when we turn up at Provocateur, one of the hottest nightclubs in New York. "Bella, I'm working tomorrow." "Live a little, Al. You can be DD if you want." I give her a sideways glance,'Fine. Just one drink." She squeals happily and drags me into the club. There's a long line outside the club but she walks straight up to the bouncer who just nods and lets us in. I guess when you're Isabelle Black, international model and daughter of Jacob Black, you have certain privileges. The club isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Sure, I'd probably go deaf after a while but otherwise, it was pretty okay. We head straight to the bar and order our usual. We start talking and catching up with one another when Belle looks behind me and groans. Before I can ask her what's wrong, a deep, masculine voice sounds behind me. 

"Fancy seeing you girls here." 

"Go away, Damien." "You wound me, sister." She just flips him the bird and turns to Jay who's taken a seat next to her. I don't bother paying attention to Satan's Spawn and focus my attention on the two people next to me. Maybe I was reading too much into things but did Belle like Jay? and by the looks of it, Jay was absolutely smitten. Before I could dwell it on any further, Damien breaks me out of my thoughts,"Never took you as a club kinda girl." "Can't say the same about you." He just smirks that smirk that would make any girl breathless, including me if I didn't detest him so much,"Now, now Angel that is no way to treat your future business partner." I glare at him,"Don't call me Angel. And, I really couldn't care less about your feelings, business partner."  He takes a step towards me and I can smell his musky aftershave. Whispering into my ear,"See you tomorrow, Angel."  With that, he turns to leave but I have the last word,"See you tomorrow, Arius."  I just smirk and raise my glass when he glares at me.

"Why do I feel like I'm gonna lose both my best friends by the end of month?" I laugh at Jay,"Don't worry, Jay, you'll just lose one. Besides, you have Belle." I wink and burst out laughing when both of them blush like tomatoes. Guess I wasn't reading too much into things.

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