Chapter 38

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Intense pounding in my head made me slowly flutter my heavy eyelids open. God, how much did I drink last night? Slowly prying my eyes open, I stiffly turn my head to the side, taking in the sterile smell of hospitals and the white walls. Trying to sit up, a sharp pain erupts from my chest and I can't help but let out a groan. Out of my peripheral vision, I see a mop of dark hair shoot up instantly as if they had been electrocuted and a pair of dark brown eyes meet my blue ones.

I stare wide eyed at Damien who's looking at me like he's just seen God or something.

"You look like shit." That's the first thing that comes out of my fuzzy brain but it is the truth. He has huge bags under his eyes and even bigger circles. His hair is all messed up like he's run his hand through it too many times. But somehow, despite looking like he's been through hell and back, he still looks hot. Shaking my head mentally, I clear my throat and that seems to snap him out of his daze. He immediately pours me a glass of water and I gulp it down, sending him a thankful smile. The cool liquid slides down my parched throat and I instantly feel a little better. Handing him the glass back, he puts it down and we resume our intense staring match. He looks as if he's hesitating about something while I'm just trying to process everything, well actually one thing. What was he doing here?

"How you feeling?" his low husky voice reaches my ears and I avert my gaze, fiddling with the blanket.

"Like I've been shot." Just as I say that, all the memories come back to me. Me getting the call about Casey, Casey ranting like a mad man and finally Casey firing his gun. Looking down at myself, I don't see any obvious bandages but I can feel a tight bandage around my ribs and one on my chest too.

Damien opens his mouth to say something while reaching for my hand but this is too soon for me to process. I remember being so mean to him, saying all those things so what on earth was he doing here, looking so relieved that I was awake? The answer hits me like a sledge hammer. He feels guilty. That's why he's here.

"You should call the doctor." I say wanting him to leave the room for a while so that I can process everything and build my walls back up again. He stares at me for a few seconds before nodding and getting up to call the doctor. As soon as he's out of the room, I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding , leaning back and shutting my eyes. Just because Casey got caught doesn't mean this is over. I would still have to leave once I'm discharged so I would have to keep up the act with Damien. The sound of the door opening makes me open my eyes again and I smile softly at the doctor in front of me.

"Good evening, Ms Winters. I'm Dr Borden. How are you feeling?"

"Evening, Doc. A little sore but I'm okay."

He smiles, looking down at the clip board in his hand.

"Feeling a little woozy Ms Winters?" he asks with a smile.

"Please, call me Alex. Err, yeah a little."

"Glad the morphine's working."

I laugh and I notice Damien smile softly in my direction. I lock gazes with him and i get lost in those eyes which are swimming in emotions. The sound of the door being thrown open makes me jump slightly and I find myself reaching for my hip, a reflex reaction to grab my gun. Except I don't have one but Damien does as I notice him reach for his. Luckily, before he can pull it out, we spot my mum barreling into the room followed by my dad and everyone else. Looks like Damien must have called them.

"Oh sweetie thank god. Are you okay? " She hugs me tightly and I let out a small whimper at the pain in my ribs. In less than 2 seconds, Damien is by my side in a protective stance. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but my attention is pulled back to mum who's really hyper.

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