Chapter 29

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Please play this song when reading this chapter. Fits it perfectly. 

"Angel, we're here."

I must have zoned out since I'm jerked out of my thoughts when Damien calls me softly. I look at our surroundings and realise we're at our special place, the cliff Damien showed me the other night. Silence fills the cool air around us as we walk down the small trail that leads to the cliff. Soon, the beautiful night sky comes to sight and I can't fight the small smile that plays on my lips as I watch the twinkling stars above. We sit and just enjoy the sound of the crickets around us, of the few fireflies flying around the trees.

I don't know how long we were sitting there but I was the first one who broke the silence.

"Why did you hate me all these years?' I ask softly looking up at the night sky.

"I never hated you angel. Ever since we were kids, you always understood me, saw right through all my bullshit. That's what made us best friends in the first place.

"So why avoid me in high school? Why pretend I never existed?"

I look at him and he looks at me, full of regret.

"I let all the money and popularity get to my head. I wanted to be popular, to hang out with the cool kids so that's what I did. You were always the level headed one, the one who knew what she wanted in life and I knew that if I remained best friends with you, you would see right through me. I knew you were disappointed in me angel and I was too much of a coward to face your disappointment so I avoided you."

I nod, his explanation making sense. When I used to pass him in the hallways, he would always send me a look filled with sadness before going back to the cold Damien he was.

We sit in silence a little while more when Damien starts off softly.

"I don't know if you remember a girl named Annabelle."

I nod,"She was the queen bee of the school. How could I forget?'

"Well, your moving away hit me hard but I was too proud to call you and apologise. Anna was a part of the popular clique and she had had a crush on me since we were 16. 17 year old me liked having someone fawn over me all the time, it made me feel..i don't know..macho I guess. Anyway, we started dating and we were the golden couple of the school. We had our ups and downs but I loved her. I truly did. The summer after we graduated, I had just received my offer letter to Harvard and I was ecstatic. I called her to tell her the good news but she didn't answer. I figured she must be busy or something so I headed over to Kyle's house."

"Kyle the idiot basketball player." I recall and I see Damien's eyes fill with anger.

"Yeah, I can't believe I used to best friends with that guy. Anyway, I went over to his place and guess what I found. Anna and Kyle screwing each other like a couple of horny dogs."

I gasp in shock, my heart clenching at the anger and betrayal on Damien's face.

"I thought she would say something cliche like'wait damien, I can explain' but do you know what they did, they laughed in my face, telling me how I was so dumb to not realise that they've been screwing each other the whole time for the past 2 years."

"WHAT?" I say and he smiles grimly.

"Yeah, turns out Anna was just dating me for fame and money. I should have seen all the signs; she would always want us to go out in public so that the press would photograph us, she loved spending thousands on my credit card whenever we went shopping but I ignored all of it because I loved her.But, I was stupid and naive. Needless to say, we broke up and last I heard, they're married and living somewhere in Spain."

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