Chapter 21

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It's almost 4 in the morning and I've just come back from work about an hour ago. Damien was discharged today and is staying at his parents place till he's fully recovered. I'm lying in bed, mentally exhausted but I just can't sleep. I was supposed to visit Damien in the evening but I got caught up at work and voila, I came home at 3 in the morning. Gazing at my phone, I get out of bed and throw on a hoodie over my v-neck and sweatpants. It's actually Damien's hoodie from that night which I haven't given back. It's soo comfy and smells just like him. I know I sound so stalkerish right now but you know that feeling when you wear a guy's clothes and it's just so comfortable? Yeah, that's exactly how his hoodie is like. Having his scent on it is icing on the cake. I bite my lip, wondering if i should go for a run when I spot a file on my coffee table. Jack asked me to draw up some paperwork for him and I was supposed to give it to him today but never got round to it. might as well drop it off now. Yes, I know what time it was but I was just going to leave it in his office. The Blacks treated me as their second daughter and I knew they would have no issue with me entering their house at this hour. Driving to the estate, I wave at the guards, smiling at the extra security around both the houses. Parking in their driveway, I cut the engine and quietly walk to the front door. Entering the pass code, I open the door and disarm the alarm, scanning my retina at the door. Yes, tight security I know. jack's office is just down the hallway so I walk in, leaving the file on his neat desk with a post-it note on top. I'm walking down the hallway when I hear noises from one of the rooms. Stopping in front of the wooden door, I pause waiting to see if the noises continue. It does and it sounds like someone is whimpering in pain. Only when the person starts mumbling 'No' do I recognise the voice. It's Damien. They must have moved him down here till his ribs were fine so that he didn't have to climb the stairs to his room. I quietly open the door. The moonlight is filtering through his window and I can faintly make out a silhouette tossing and turning on the huge king-sized bed. Damien's voice cuts through the silent air, whimpering in pain. It's obvious he's having a nightmare. I bite my lip, not really sure how to handle this. I walk slowly to his bedside and my heart breaks in two when the moonlight shines on his handsome face, creating shadows that only make him look hotter. But, his usually peaceful face is scrunched up in pain and fear and I notice a few tears on his cheeks. I rely completely on instinct and run my fingers through his hair.

"Shush, Arius, it's okay. I'm here, it's just a dream."

He relaxes a little, mumbling my name or rather my nickname in his sleep. 


His eyes slowly flutter open, darting around blearily till they focus on me. Without saying anything, he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me on the bed. He buries his face in my neck and I continue running my fingers through his hair. His shaking slowly stops and his heavy breathing slows down to normal. I just keep muttering sweet nothings to him until he fully calms down. Soon, he's back to normal but we don't move from our position. We sit there in each other's arms, content with the silence between us. Damien is the first one who breaks the silence.

"I'm not dreaming, right?"

I chuckle softly, placing a soft kiss in his hair.

"No, you're not."

Silence engulfs us again and I quietly ask him,"You wanna talk about it?"

He remains silent, unmoving and if it wasn't for his thumb gently rubbing circles on my waist, I would think he had fallen asleep. Damien suddenly gets up and I momentarily panic. Did I go too far? Was it that bad? I open my mouth to apologise but he puts his hand out to me, eyes silently asking me to trust him. I place my hand in his and we walk out of his room. He's almost in a trance like state and I'm too afraid to make a sound. He leads me to the front door, out to my car in the driveway. He's about to open the passenger seat for me when he realises that he hasn't gotten the green light from the doctor to drive yet. Frowning, he turns to me,"DO you trust me angel?" Without hesitation, I nod and he smiles softly. He opens the driver seat for me and I get in, starting the engine. Once he's seated, I drive out of the estate, following his directions. We don't say a word to each other in the car except for Damien giving me directions. He's back in his trance like state, deep in thought about something. I don't disturb him and instead let soft rock music play in the background quietly. Approximately 15 minutes later, he guides me into an overgrown trail. I look around dubiously, wondering why we were here. I park the car in a clearing and we slowly walk inwards. I glance all around me, taking in my surroundings which were nothing but trees and bushes. Along the way, a warm hand slips into mine and I look down to find Damien's hand in mine. The guy in question is looking straight ahead, a small smile playing on his face. We're walking for around 5 minutes when I can't hold my curiosity in any longer. 

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