Chapter 3

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Today was my first day as co-CEO of BW Empire, well co-CEO in training. Dad offered to pick me up but I told him I would drive there myself. I needed to show that I was independant and arriving with my dad would probably show that I was terrified, which was true but no one needed to know that. Stopping in front of BW Empire, everyone's eyes were on me, or rather they were trying to see through my tinted windows. Taking a deep breath, I straighten my pantsuit and step out of my baby. Immediately, gasps and murmurs ripple through the crowd.

"Is that Alex Winters?" "Damn, she looks hot." "Is she back for good?" "She's the one who founded BW Hotels" "I guess it was really her at Provocateur last night." "Is she gonna be a female version of Damien Black?" At that, I turn my attention to the redhead who said that. She stiffens when I focus my attention on her. Immediately, she averts her gaze and bows her head. I walk into the building and the whispers only intensify. As I head into the elevator, a security officer stops me,"Excuse me mam, who are you?" I smile at him,"Alex Winters." At that, he pales and stammers,"I..I'm s-so sorry. I didn't know. Please forgive me." I smile brightly at him,"Don't worry,I glance at his nametag, Liam. You're just doing your job." He seems surprised at my response and stares at me in disbelief,"That's very nice of you,mam. Thank you" "Oh, please call me Alex." He nods and smiles,"Very well, Alex. Are you heading up to your father's office?"

"Actually, I'm heading to the meeting room. Do you know which that floor that's on?" "Yes, let me take you." The elevator ride was pleasant and I found out that Liam had just gotten a son. As we reached our destination, I stepped out and thanked him. "My pleasure,ma-Alex. You're different. Not as we expected you to be." "I'm glad. Thank you Liam." He nods and steps back into the elevator. Today's meeting was with our investors and shareholders. Dad and Uncle Jack wanted to introduce Damien and I to them, well more like me, and announce that we would be co-CEO's in training. Squaring my shoulders and switching to what I like to call'Ice Queen Mode', I step into the room and immediately, all conversation comes to a halt. I survey the room emotionlessly as my dad comes up to me and gives me a hug. He introduces me to everyone and I'm a little relieved to see a few familiar faces from the BW Hotels company. i take a seat beside my dad and we wait for Damien to arrive. 15 minutes later, His Royal Highness finally decides to grace us with his presence, completely hungover. His eyes are bloodshot and his hair is a mess. Thank God he showered and threw on a clean suit. as much as I hate to say it, as terrible as he looked, he still looked pretty hot. Snap out of it alex! Jack glares at him as he mumbles a half-hearted sorry. Taking his seat, Uncle Jack and dad start the meeting.

"Good morning everyone. Thank you for joining us today. Jack and I called this meeting to share some new with you all. We are not getting any younger and we think it's time for our children to start taking over the ropes. So from today onwards, both of them will be co-CEO's in training."

Almost immediately, the room burst into chaos. One of the share holders exclaimed, "Your daughter has been under the radar for the last 8 years. How do we know that she can actually run a company?" before I can defend myself, Uncle Jack speaks up for me,"Dan, do you remember when you told me how you only stay at BW Hotels everytime you travel? BW Hotels is one of the best 7 star hotels in the world and that is all thanks to Alex. She has an amazing track record so we should let her prove her worth although she doesn't need to prove anything to me. I have complete faith in her." I smile at Uncle Jack who winks at me when another shareholder, Ignatius speaks up. I remember my father speaking about him, saying that he was one of the most difficult shareholders ever. 

"Well, I disagree. She is a girl, and a girl cannot run an empire, not without a man by her side and well, I think we can all agree that Damien isn't exactly the perfect candidate for the job." 

Damien tenses opposite me but before he can say anything , I speak up, ready to unleash my wrath on this chauvinistic pig. "I may be a girl, Mr Anderson but that is not a reason for me to not run an empire. I have worked extremely hard to get to where I am today and you are not the first person to doubt me, so no offense Mr Anderson but I really don't give a damn if you disagree. Not every girl parties away like your daughter. As for Damien, there is no one else more suitable for the job than him."

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