Chapter 1

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(picture of Alex above)

I walk out of the airport, hoodie over my head. Keeping my head down to avoid the paparazzi, I quickly grab my bags and head outside. Hailing a cab, I climb in and head off to my new penthouse. As the car speeds on by, I look out the window at the skyscrapers flying by. It feels good to be back in New York after 8 years. Don't get me wrong, London was amazing but nothing beats home. Now, you might be wondering why would an heiress to a multi-billionaire dollar empire not come home in 8 years? Did she have a fallout with her parents or did she want to party her life away? Well, that's a story for another time. I'm broken out of my reverie when the cab driver pulls up in front of my new home. My parents insisted that I stay with them, but I need some privacy of my own. Besides, they're only 10 minutes away. I pay the driver and head inside. Immediately, a bellboy rushes to me with a shocked look on his face. I give him a blank look as I pass him my bags. 

"The penthouse, please." He nods and holds the the special elevator door for me.

"M..Ms Winters, are you moving back here?"

"I am." I reply, not offering any details. The ride up is thankfully short and I take a quick glance around as I step out. Andy, the bellboy places my bags down and I thank him, tipping him as well. As he leaves, I take a look around my new place and smile softly. Its beautiful and my mother has decorated the place just as I would have. Slipping out of my Converse, I set an alarm on my phone and slip into bed. There's a welcome back party for me later at my parents home, but first I need to get some sleep especially if I'm gonna have to endure questions like "Oh Alex, what have you been up to all these years?" 

Just as I am about to enter La La Land, my iPhone rings. Without looking at the caller ID, I answer, my voice hard and cold as always.

"Alex Winters."

"Hi, sweetheart. Have you settled in?"

"Hey, mum. Yeah, I just reached."

"Hope you like the place. Tried my best to channel you."

"It's amazing, mum. Thank you. I'll see you at 7?"

"Yup. Get some rest. And dress casual. It's just us family."

"Yes, mam. Love you."

"Love you too, darling. see you later."

I hang up and put my phone on silent. Time to sleep.


I wake up a few hours later and it takes me a few minutes to recognise my surroundings. Glancing at the time, I realise that I have about an hour to get ready. Perfect. I may be a girl, but I never understood girls who needed 5 hours to get dressed. I mean, how long does it take you to throw on some clothes and brush your hair? After taking a quick shower, I walk into my walk-in closet. My clothes were shipped over a few days before I arrived so everything was already arranged. Slipping into a pair of skinny jeans and a cute little sweater since it was a bit chilly, I head over to my dressing area. I keep my makeup simple choosing to only apply lip gloss and mascara. I add some eyeliner to make my eyes pop and brush my hair letting it fall in its natural waves. As I slip on my suede heeled ankle boots, I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I guess I was kinda pretty, with sharp cheekbones and a decent height of 5"11. People say my best feature was my icy blue eyes and once upon a time, I would have agreed. Those blue eyes used to hold so much warmth and light, now they're just cold and empty, like bottomless pits. The eyes of a murderer. I plaster a fake smile on my emotionless face and grab my keys and phone. I exit the lift and immediately spot my baby, waiting for me. I unlock my Lamborghini Veneno and start the engine. Revving the engine, I speed out of my parking lot and head to my childhood home. 

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