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okay so i got nowhere near my goal this time which was slightly disappointing ((but expected)), so please just continue to vote, and comment any questions you have, things you're feeling, what you think about the story and just anything, really. i really love reading comments :) thank you!


"so what now?"

"you ask a lot of questions."

"surely you would have figured that out before now."

"i did, i was just letting you know."

"i already knew, niall."

"oh, never mind, do you want to know what we do next or not?"

"oh, yeah, of course. tell me."

"jeez... anyway, they left quite late at night, so they would've gone to a motel no further than an hour away."

"okay, so what motel is it?"

"that's what we're going to figure out next, harry."


okay so i actually think that was the w o r s t chapter in this entire book and it's really boring at the moment but i promise you things get really exciting in about three chapters

just to give you a heads up

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