end note and acknowledgements

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end note

wow. i don't even know where to begin.

this hasn't been a very long journey to be honest, and was only stretched out because of my holiday (sorry about that). but, it has been a great one. ive loved reading your comments, even though i didn't get very many at all (slightly disappointed about that but there's nothing i can do). i don't think i even made 100 comments, but in the end, i guess it doesn't matter. i loved writing ringing and i can't believe it made it this far :)

to be completely honest with you, i finished writing this about a month ago maybe? but i wasn't going to update them all at once because that would take the fun away for me. i wrote this with a schedule and i wasn't going to take that schedule away, even if i forgot occasionally :/

now that im writing this ive completely run out of things to say, but just know that i seriously love you guys so much even if there aren't very many of you. i didn't expect to get more than 500 reads, let alone over 7.5k. that's amazing, for me. 10k was my ultimate ultimate goal but im seriously so happy with 7.5 wow guys that's incredible :)

this story had a grand total of almost 15,000 words, which is not a lot at all, but a lot can happen in so few words, i guess. this story was honestly a side thing; it wasn't meant to be my main priority let alone become my most popular, so that's why some of the chapters tend to be pretty crap, i guess. it's just because this wasn't really the story i put all of my effort into, which i apologise, but i still loved writing it so much and can't believe that im done updating :(((((

i really hope you guys choose to read pretty (still dunno when i'll be posting it) or maybe even sundays, and perhaps watch out for the liam and zayn ones if they ever come out :) it would seriously mean the world, i'd love to see you guys again :)

so yeah, im not expecting that anyone's actually reading this, so i'll move onto the acknowledgements. thank you all so much :)


firstly, i'd like to thank one of my best friends, hannah (@SnootyOwl). i'm pretty sure she despised one direction before meeting me, so it means a lot that she now reads my fan fictions, such as this one, and i think she's pretty neutral on the whole liking one direction thing now. thanks hannah :)

secondly, one of my other best friends, ashleigh (@AwesomeAshleigh) who i think was always neutral, but isn't a fan of the boys so i'm glad that she reads my fan fictions, too. i'm pretty sure she was more into sundays than this, but i still thank her all the same. thanks ash :)

thirdly, a very special thanks to one direction themselves, who if did not exist, this wouldn't exist, either. i probably should have thanked them first seeing as they are the basis of this entire story, but you know, i thank everyone equally and the firstly secondly thirdly thing makes me feel cool and fancy and stuff. so yeah, thanks a lot to one direction (like a lot a lot) :)

also thanks to my other best friend estelle (@epicEstelle18) who didn't really read this but listened to me as i went on about the plot and what was going to happen and she listened even though she doesn't like one direction, either. thanks stelle stelle :)

thanks to my cousin, annabel (@nutella_is_my_life) who introduced me to wattpad (and one direction, too, now that i think about it) and even though she probably isn't reading this, she's a bit like a sister to me and if she wasn't i probably wouldn't have a wattpad account at all, so thanks a lot, annabel :) ily :)

thanks to my friend, alex (@ambedo) who i met through wattpad through this story, which im really grateful for because alex you are super fab :) alex and i are also starting to cowrite a fan fiction on out joint account, @hazydreamers, so watch out for that :) thanks again, alex, ily :)

a few more people include my year eight english teacher, who doesn't know that this story exists but taught me a lot in terms of writing and stuff and made me a heap better, so thanks. my mum, who also doesn't know that this exists but bought me this ipad so i wouldn't have written this story without it. thanks mum :) my phone, for giving me the idea for this story (at least i think it did because i can't really remember how i thought of this so i'm just assuming). paul higgens, who is a generally cool guy. in fact, i thank all of one direction's security team for stopping the boys from getting killed or hurt too badly (and keeping them from accidentally killing themselves). my friends feyla and ariel from school who actually were the very first to introduce me to fan fiction (not one direction fan fiction but fan fiction in general), thanks :) i thank the creators of wattpad for obvious reasons.

also a very big thank you to everyone who listened to me talk about this story and listened to my ideas and still listen to them now and give me feedback. that's mainly hannah, ashleigh and estelle, so thanks again, guys, but also my great great friend in india named mitali, who when i get the chance to talk to her, gives me a heap of feedback as well. so thanks to all you people, too :)

and a last, final, massive thank you to whoever read this story, commented, voted, maybe even followed me in the process. you stayed even if the writing could be complete crap at times, or when i didn't update because i was on holidays or didn't even have the time to open the app. you are all amazing people to stick with me this far, through short chapters, crap chapters, my angry rants and stupid cliffhangers, so thank you all so, so much. you seriously mean the world to me.

expect new stories perhaps sometime soon, so i hope to see you again! thank you all, until next time! (still might post an faq if i get questions, just ask them in the comments)

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