27 + important authors note

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"where are we going?"

"i don't know. wherever this road takes us."

"you didn't plan this very well at all."

"i needed to get you away from him."

"no, you didn't."

"you don't understand, clementine! nobody else can have you! i want you all to myself! i'm not willing to share you with anyone."

"you're ridiculously overprotective."

"no i'm not. i'm just making sure you don't run off with someone else."

"yeah, overprotective."

"nah, it's called keeping you to myself."

"so you're selfish, then."

"i'm just making sure that what's mine stays mine."


so here's the important authors note yah

i'm sorry i haven't updated in the past few days. i have an explanation.

if you read stranded, then you know what's gone on. don't bother with this if you've read that message already. if you're following me, i sent out a message, too, so yeah, you probably don't need to read this, either.

anyway, i haven't had time to update recently. firstly, we just got two kittens who need constant attention so it's hard to sit and focus on something or do anything. i haven't been able to write at all, even though i have prewritten chapters, i still haven't been able to update. the only reason i am now is because it's like 12:30 in the morning.

secondly, my grandma from the usa has come down to stay so i can't really sit on my ipad much. she wants to talk and stuff and i wanna talk to her, too.

another thing. i'm gonna be off on holiday for like three weeks without wifi probably. so definitely no updates then.

i'm gonna have to stop there because there's a kitten that's practically sitting on my face so bye, see you all in a month or so. sorry.

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