A Death Sentence

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  Vince walked along next to me , it was a warm night and we were gonna go swimming. My fur was sleek and shiny in the summer sun, Vince was a good looking Dutch Angel Dragon who made every girl he met fall in love with him. Me on the other hand was a different story. I always seemed to mess stuff up.

Any who , we got to the pool and it was locked and had wire surrounding it. Vince groaned, he got the wire cutters he had brought and cut the fence. Vince jumped into the pool with a splash. Feeling the water on my fur I jumped in as well. While I was looking around I noticed the house up the hill from us.

   "Vince!! This is someone's house and were on their property!!." All Vince did was laugh at me. "Pshh, this is my Aunt's pool, thats her house. I always go swimming here."

  The back door to the house slid open. Vince looked at the Linx standing at the door. "Thats not my Aunt!.." Vince got out and slipped behind the pool shed.

  "Wait!!" I whispered as I climbed out but it was too late. There was a shine of a flash light on me and the Linx bolted down to where I was , drug me up to his house sat me in a chair and called my parents.

This wasnt just any Linx it was pur principle , Mr.Snow. My parents slipped into his house with a huff. My father glared at my with such a hate that it made me want to turn invisible or fall over and die.

"Cosmo Steel!! What the frick where you thinking?! Break into someone's pool? Thats trespassing young man." My father looked at the Principal. "I will pay for your fencing to be replaced , how much was it?"

The principal shook his head "No no, I dont want money." My father cocked his head "Then what would you like?"  The principal smirked "Howabout your son here goes up state to work at my friend's Ranch for the summer? If he does I wont press charges for breaking and entering."

My father looked at me for a minute and shook his head. "I guess that can be arranged."
I nearly jumped out of my seat. "NO!"  My father snapped at me "Son you chose to break and enter now your gonna repay Mr. Snow by going to that Ranch. No excuses,  your leaving tomorrow." My father got the information about where the ranch was and threw me into the car.


I layed in bed thinking "What the Hell and I supposed to do now?"

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