Chapter 1: Demon

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A shadow.
He found me! The shadow chased me through the woods, I sensed evil surrounding those twisting, writhing, creature like shadows. It was just a loaf of bread! What's the fuss? A girls gotta eat after all.
My long, black cape caught on a trees, trembling claw. My long, (H/C) was blowing on to my (S/C) face. I would of 'Wolfed' but I was too nervous- no, scared -to so much as prick up my midnight black, wolven ears. I frantically scratched at the twig that was holding me hostage. My lapis blue eyes scanned the woods as I watched, fearfully watched for the shadow that pursued me. Until I felt the strike on the back of my head! I let out a feeble whimper before dropping to the ground; the twig had snapped. The last I saw was a slightly opened mouth smirk on a pale face, before my vision failed and I passed out.


I steadily opened my eyes to find myself wrapped carefully into a soft, king sized bed. The walls were painted a pale blue and powdery yellow colour. I pushed myself into a sitting position before again collapsing as the headache hit. I hissed in pain and ( after 30mins ) rose steadily out of the luxurious bed and padded to the lage window. I gasped at what I saw. A lush garden filled with patches of flowers, including (F/F)! My favourite flower! A knock at the dark oak door and a tall, pale, dark haired Butler with the most beautifully intimidating, crimson eyes. Demon.I sighed a little to audible for my liking. But if this gorgeous stranger heard, he didn't show.
"Ah! I see you have awoken Miss!" He said, cheerfully.
"Y-yes S-sir." I stuttered. This was odd, I don't stutter.
"Sebastian is just fine, Miss..."
" (Y/N)!" I squeaked, " *cough.cough* (Y/N)" I said again.
" yes, Miss. (Y/N)", he - Sebastian - repeated. "My Master would SO love to meet the lovely lady who stole his valuable bread. Right this way." He spoke while turning to walk along the corridor.
When we arrived at a large door, my mouth went dry and the nerve left me.
Sebastian opened the heavy door with grace and ease! He stepped inside and walked towards the desk to say, " Young Master, the thief is awake. Meet Miss. (Y/N)."
I watched in curiosity as the purple velvet chair, behind the desk span to reveal a 13 year old boy with silver/grey hair, pale skin, lapiz blue eyes (well EYE) and a black eyepatch.

"As the Earl of the Phantomhive Estate and Her Majesty's personnel Watchdog, I would like to formally welcome you to the Manor! Thief!My name if Ciel Phantomhive and I would so like to know why you have stolen my bread

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"As the Earl of the Phantomhive Estate and Her Majesty's personnel Watchdog, I would like to formally welcome you to the Manor! Thief!
My name if Ciel Phantomhive and I would so like to know why you have stolen my bread." He said proudly.
"I have to eat SOME days of the week." I replied.
"Don't be cheeky miss (y/n). My master asked you a question. I expect you to answer with the appropriate respect and honesty." Sebastian said, I had a slight feeling that this was a threat.
"Well, its true, I have to eat sometimes. But of course you wouldn't know that would you?" I replied calmly without facing him.
They looked confused at first but then The Demon answered with a fake smile, "Whatever do you mean My Lady?"
"I mean, your not fooling anyone, Demon." I accused, finally turning my head to face him and smirk.

She-Wolf (mystery black butler x reader)Where stories live. Discover now