Sing by the Moonlight

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Alois POV
It's been almost a week since I stole Hannah's eye and (y/n)'s punishment. She still has the ugly black bruise on her once perfect left tricep. Somehow, I feel bad about it, seeing the tears that she would not allow to run down her (s/c) face and the hatred she held towards me even before the insedant. If only she knew the truth about my life. Would she feel pity on me? Or despise me just the same? I don't know and why would I care anyway?
I want to tell her. Tell her everything; about the old man, my village, even about  Luka!
Luka.. my sweet Luka...
I felt tears in my rain blue eyes and despite my efforts they fell, one by one, down my face. What is it about (y/n) that makes me feel this way? I HATE IT!!!
But like it too.
I like her. I can't though. It is destined for her to leave me. As all those I have cared for did.
But I must make it up to her. Make her like me! She won't leave then! But I must hurry, Ciel will be here soon...
The moon has risen. Time to rest.
Just as I was getting into bed, I heard the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. Singing. It was like smooth velvet. It reminded me of the moon watching, spying on the world below! I walked onto my balcony and looked around to find the source of this beautiful music. I then saw (y/n), her gorgeous (h/c) hair flowing and glowing in the moonlight, her skin illuminated and round, blue eyes gazing longingly at the moon. Her black wolf ears were flopping behind her and her tail gently swaying behind. She was dazzling with her beauty. It was at that moment I realized, the beautiful sound was comping from her! She was singing a song that I recognized, I would sing it to Luka. The song was called 'The Wolf '.
"And you once said, I wish you dead
You sinner
I'll never be more, than a wolf at your door
For dinner
And if I see you round like a ghost in my town, you lier
I'll leave with your head, oh I'll leave you for dead, sire." She sang.
I decided to join in,
"The wishes I've made are to vicious to tell." She was shocked and stopped singing but I continued, "Everyone knows I am going to hell.
And if it's true, I'll go there with you." She smiled and sang again with me, "you were, as sharp as a knife to get me
You were, the wolf in the night
To fetch
The wishes I've made are to vicious to tell
The devil already, knows me so well
And if it's true
I'll go there with you." We sang until the song ended she smiled at me and I smiled back. She then turned and walked into her room, off the balcony.
The last I saw of her that night, was her bushy, black tail....

What do yall think of this chapter? If you've never heard The Wolf then plz look up the Nightcore. You won't regret it! Ps sorry it's a bit short. It's really late and I have school at 7am which is in ... woah!! 5 hours! See yall! Xxx

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