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howdy yall! i know this authors note isn't supposed to be at the start of a chapter but i just felt that i needed to apologise to you all for now updating in.. 3 weeks was it? i don't know. a lot of stuff has been going on in school lately and i have gotten into ALOT of fights (which may or may not include large planks of wood and baseball bats). i have also found out that a dog i really care for as he has been there for me since before i was born will not be surviving the year. my sister, brother and a few of my younger friends have had their sats this week also. (btw: if any of you guys that are reading this are currently/have done SATs or GCSEs, I'm sure you did awesome) it has been a very emotional few weeks so  i hope you can forgive me. (pic of me and Nelson -the dog- at top of chapter.)

aaaaanyways! back to the story!

your POV

"you what!?" me and ciel yelled in unison, glaring at Sebastian, who was smiling. but i wanted to yell so much more! to wipe that stupid smirk off his stupid face!

"i would like to know when exactly this became part of the plan!" Ciel yelled as i took his hat and coat to hang up, my limbs stiff with rage, "i don't recall giving you any orders to that effect!"

Sebastian closed the door of the town house in London. "does it inconvenience you, My Lord?"

we both turned and scowled at my brother. 'does it inconvenience you?' he says! honestly! how did he think we would react!? a circus of all possible places!

"we shall argue about it later. for now i find myself tired. i shall retire for the night." Ciel says as he walks to the stairs.

"Ciel?" someone says as they throw open a door.

oh jeez.


I'm not in the mood


"Ciellll! Ive missed you so much!" cheered Prince Soma as he raced to speak with the young master.

"greetings, Lord Phantomhive. Namaste." smiled his bleak blond haired butler, Agni.

i forgot that we had left him here.

"i have truly missed you, my friend!" Soma cried as he hugged Ciel.

i smirked and went to make some tea, tucking a strand of (h/c) hair behind my ear on the way. Earl Grey, Green Tea, Chamomile, or Black Tea? Earl Grey is the Masters preference but should i change it up a bit? i couldn't make Earl Grey perfectly yet anyways. hmmmm. i put the water on a boil and scooped up some (select tea) from the pot and made it extra strong, just how he likes it.

i added 3 sugar cubes as i know he loves sweets, and Soma is but a child in his heart also. i am not entirely certain how Agni like his tea.

oh well. this will do. i grabbed a plate of fresh scones and took the tea to the hall for everyone, a smile plastered onto my face, as a courteous maid would do.

i was about to speak when i noticed Ciel stomping up the stairs, Soma weeping miserably. presumably, Ciel yelled at him. Soma turned, "(y/n), Agni, you two are my only friends now that Ciel hates me.."

"i am honoured, my prince." smiled Agni, bowing his head.

"tea anyone?" i said, awkwardly holding up the tray.

Ciels POV

"i can hardly expect to get some peace with the both of them two around." i grumbled, sitting on my bed.

"I'm sure youll manage." Sebastian muttered as he prepared my nightwear.

"hmph. now, back to this plan of yours: i don't see why I'm being forced to join the circus also."

"your not being forced. youre taking an audition. getting them to admit you." he said. as he untied my shoes and removed my socks.

"but you joining them should give us plenty of access. i do not fancy living in a tent one bit."

"are you sure about that? have you forgotten? this is you game, not mine. i am merely one of your pawns. wouldnt it be more risky to allow me to make moves on my own?"

"i suppose you are right. but aren't circus performers required to do tricks? i hardly know how to do anything like that." i sighed.

"oh. i wouldn't be too sure about that, you had always seemed quite adept at things such as 'stay' and 'fetch'." he smirked, holding out a letter.

"pardon." i glared.

"mhm. nothing, My Lord. besides, i wouldn't worry all that much. just do your best to their interest. ill be forever by your side, just as a good butler always would be." he smiled

"ok, fine. ill join the stupid show with you, alright?" i sighed, annoyed.

"My Lord." my butler bowed.

he prepared me for bed and then left, blowing out the candles as he went.

sometimes i wonder why i didn't burn along with my family...

again, apologies for making you wait so long for this chapter. thank you all for being so patient.

love ya!



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