Typical Trancy Day

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Your POV
I was given a new maids dress, much like my fellow maid Hannah's only the theme colour was (f/c). I was very happy about this!
I walked down the long stair case into the dining room where I heard a gasp and Alois' voice, followed closely by a sickening squelch sound. "----dent look directly at her master. It's rude!
Please do forgive me Claude would be most upset if I don't punish you.." Alois said the last bit almost whist fully but I could instantly tell it was fake! He was all too clearly enjoying whatever he was doing to the purple plaited hair maid.
I saw a drop of blood fall off her face and onto her apron. That was all I could take!
I ran into the dining room and, with little effort, shoved the cruel boy off his chair and across the room so that he hit the far wall. "How dare you treat a lady with such cruelty! You are truly more of a monster than any of the demons in this house! I should beat you here and now! But being maid, it would be unsightly!" I shouted angrily at him as I stood protectively over Hannah; the way a mother wolf would defend her injured cub. Demon or not, she should not be punished so harshly that she draws blood for the simple things such as looking at her Master! I led the maid into the bathroom trying my best not to vomit at the sight of all that blood trailing down her arms and face. I gently sat her down on a chair and wet a cloth before coaxing her hands from her eye to see the damage. Her eye had been completely gouged out, chunks of jelly still rested in the socket.
All the colour left my face, goose flesh rose on my skin and bile trecked up my throat. I turned shivering and vomited into the toilet, I was shaking violently. I wiped my (s/c) face and plastered a smile onto my face before turning to face her.
A faint smirk struggled upon her purple lips. "That bad huh?" She shakily whispered.
"Oh, hush now! Don't be silly! Now, let me clean this up. It might sting a little.." I told her, rising the cloth to her face and brushing it on her crimson coated face before slowly making my way up to around her lost eye.

Time skip brought to you by Hannah's obsessive purple ness!

When I finished clearing Hannah up and given her a padded bandage, I practically had to force her to rest for a while and let me carry out her duties today! (Although I had only been there for a day I knew that Alois Trancy was a selfless bully towards the servants and an immature child the rest of the time.)
Next on her list was to was 'His Majesty's ' clothes. So I walked down the stairs confidently despite the punishment I knew was coming for me...
Alois' POV
I can't believe that girl! She openly interrupted a punishment towards that stupid old tart that had nothing to do with her! And then she shouted at me! That slap to the wall had really hurt! But I could tell by her face that that was the equivalent of a gentle tap to her! Claude was right. This girl is not to be underestimated. She ruined my good mood too!
My dear (y/n) you will have to be severely punished won't you?
I laughed as I thought about all of this. How will Ciel react when he hears of this!? That I, Alois Trancy have punished his oh so special maid!..

Sorry if Alois sounds kind of like Ciel in this last bit! I really am... and he's supposed to be the easy one to impersonate! Xxx

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