Lunch again

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I meet up with Judy again in the library, in the same spot as last time. I brought my books, which I hid in my lunch box. I am very excited.

While I wait for her to arrive, I start to eat my sandwich. I hear her familiar footsteps. She sits down next to me.

"Hey," She says with a smile "I see you brought your books! This one is my favorite."

She pointed to one of the books, and starts talking about it. I nod along and eat my sandwich. I see that there is a note in my lunch.

It's in Gracie's hand writing. 

"Hey Aidahn, I hope you appreciate this, I saw you dropped it. -Gracie"

I gulp. 

I turn the note around and see the library card that comes with the book attached to it with tape.

"What's the matter? You looked scared for a second." Judy asks me, worried.

"Oh, nothing," I reply, glad she noticed "I was worried my little sister had given me something embarrassing about...well y' older brother had found out about my books when he picked me up from the library yesterday, and I was worried he told my sister."

She stares for a while and finally says, "No need to be ashamed, embrace your inner fur-bu-losity."

"Hey, are you a furry yourself?" I ask her. 

"Well...I guess. I don't know. I always have been so interested in the culture."

"Oh, I see."

We sit in a silence for a while. 

"How's the thing with Nick going?" I ask finally, trying to break the silence. 

"Eh, could be better. He's been talking to a lot of other girls recently, and has been ignoring me. It's unsettling."

"Please dump him, Jude. It'll be best for you."

"Do I sense jealousy?" She chuckles.

"W-what?" I blush, "No, I-I'm just-"

"I'm kidding, Aidahn, I've been thinking about breaking up with him for a while now. I might do it tomorrow or today later."

"Okay, that sounds good. If it's hard you can always call me or text me."


We continue to talk about the books I checked out little bit more, and I check the clock. Two more minutes.

I stand up.

"Two more minutes, I guess I'll be going."

 I hear Judy mutter something.

I turn around.

"What did you say?"

"Oh nothing." She says.

She walks the opposite direction I am, to the other exit of the library, and leaves.

I go to my locker and quickly put away my books and get the stuff for my next class.

Aidahn X Judy Hopps: A Highschool story.Where stories live. Discover now