The Party (Pt. 2)

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I walk into the Becky's house with Liam by my side, but soon he is lost in the crowd.

I hear a lot of screaming, but soon I find my way up stairs and close to a bathroom. It's less crowded up here, but the majority of the people here are making out. I open the door to a bedroom in hope it's empty, but you can only assume what I saw in there. I get a pillow thrown at me as I slowly close the door. 

I walk into another bedroom hoping the same, and there's Judy in the corner reading a book while a couple makes out on the bed.

I approach Judy.

"Hey Jude!" I say, startling her, as she flinches.

"Oh, hey Aidahn!" She responds.

I sit down and put my arm around her, as she starts to explain the comic book she's reading. 

Meanwhile the couple on the bed start to get a little bit more...intense.

" So this book I'm reading," Judy begins, "It's called the Jackal Queen."

"Hm, I think I've heard of it."

Judy tries to explain more, but the couple's kissing noises soon drown out her voice.

"I think we'll have to find another room" I say, interrupting her.

"Good idea."

We leave the couple alone, and we go down stairs to try and find the laundry room in Becky's house.

As we walk down the stairs, we spot Liam and Nico talking near the juice table.

Liam asks Nico, "Nico, what do you think?"

"I'm just going to tell her if you don't. But trust me, I'm sure she already knows" Nico responds bluntly.

"Dude you promised not to tell."

"Hey l0ser," I remark, "How's it going."

"It's going well I guess. We're just getting drinks while we wait for the others to arrive. No alcohol of course, I'm driving." Liam responds.

Nico shrugs his shoulders to answer the question.

"Well that's great," I say as Judy and I dash off, "Catch ya on the flippity flop."

Judy and I find the door to the basement, and we go in. The basement is even emptier than the second floor, but of course there are a few gross couples. We find the laundry room and go in, as we talk more about Judy's book. 

Aidahn X Judy Hopps: A Highschool story.Where stories live. Discover now