1: "What You Don't Know"

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•• Namjoon's POV ••

I kept laughing to myself quietly as I saw Jackson drooling over Yugyeom the whole entire time we were conversing. Well, conversing as in me talking and him daydreaming about my employees.

Although, there is one tini tiny small detail that he does not know, and had not noticed. I would hate to break it to him, and so I wouldn't. It would be best if he would find out himself, or Yugyeom would tell him instead.

What he doesn't know won't hurt him... I think?

•• Yugyeom's POV ••

I felt eyes on me the whole shift. It wasn't just those I was serving, nor was it Baekhyun. I didn't expect it to be him. Every time I turned around, Jackson was there, staring at me from afar. If I would meet his gaze he would turn back to Namjoon as if nothing ever happened.

Gee, this guy is really trying his best to crawl his way into my head!

I caught a glimpse of the clock and saw it was already quite late. Around five minutes to 10pm. I decided it would be the best time to end my shift, especially now that I feel a little creeped out with Jackson... Also the fact that I have to walk home, it's best to avoid the drunken dirtbags before they come out on the streets.

•• Timeskip ••

I set down my tray that held the last of the dirty dishes near the sink. "Thank you Yuggie~" Jungkook smiled as he took the dirty dishes to wash. "No problem oppa~ Any time you need help just call!" "Aw, thanks Yugs. Where would I be without you~" "Lost?"I joked, him laughing along with me.

"Alright oppa~ I'll be ending my shift now!" "Alright, get home safe~" I nodded then left the kitchen. I searched through the tables to find the one I was looking for. There, Namjoon was with Jackson in the same table they always were. I walked over sheepishly, trying my best not to look at Jackson at all.

"Uhm... Nam oppa~" I chimed and saw Namjoon give Jackson a annoyed glare, he probably teased him again. "Yes Yuggie?" "Oppa~ I'll end my shift here if that'll be alright" "Oh... Y-yeah! What time is it..?" "It's 10:25pm Nam" Jackson said emphasizing the nickname 'Nam', making me giggle a little.

"Shut up." Namjoon scoffed then turned back to me "Are you okay walking home? I could drive you, it's already late and you might run into trouble..." He said, genuine concern in his voice and gaze. "Anyaa! You need to be here! In the shop where they need you! I'll be okay~!" I insisted on going home alone but I don't think I convinced him by the way he looked worriedly at me then Jackson.

"Come on. A lady shouldn't be walking home alone! Let me take you" Jackson said after taking a last sip of his coffee. I hesitantly looked over to Namjoon to confirm, he simply gave me a shrug and smiled "Don't worry. He's a good guy, he'll get you home safe and sound... Right?" He asked the last part, glaring at Jackson a bit.

"Why do you think I offered to take her home in the first place? Ofcourse I'll keep her safe!" Jackson scoffed. I nodded and smiled eye to eye "Thank you so much oppa! I'll go change out of work clothes now, be right back~!" I bowed 90° then left them.

I hurried to the back room, where some of the employees usually changed. Most would just change in the restrooms, but for me, that wasn't really an option.

After locking the door behind me firmly, I started undressing my uniform, leaving every piece of clothing that belonged to the shop. Afterwards, I was merely wearing my inner clothing. I reached for my duffle bag and opened it to see my regular clothes... I sighed...

Back to reality...

•• Timeskip ••

•• Jackson's POV ••

fter 20 minutes of waiting...

I sighed contently as I fixed the jacket on me to warm myself better. It's been 20 minutes after Yugyeom had walked into the back room. I guess girls do take a long time getting dressed like they say. "You better keep the kid safe Jackson... Okay?" I knew Namjoon was serious as his tone was and he had used my whole first name.

He uses my nickname to joke around, whole first name when he's serious and my whole name when he's about to kill me. I nodded, serious as well. "You can trust me with her" "Uhm... Jacks I-" Namjoon cut himself off as he looked to somewhere, getting his attention.

I looked to where Namjoon's attention was and saw a tall guy, wearing a grey hoodie, black skinny jeans and had charcoal, mushroom like hair. He was carrying a duffle bag. I hadn't made out his face at first as his bangs covered part of his eyes and the hoodie over his head covered his face more. "Hyung..? I'm all set to go now..." His voice, it sounds familiar... But who-

Namjoon cleared his throat "Ah... Sure, Yuggie. Jacks will take you" I blinked a couple of times before making out what Namjoon just said. *Loading* *Loading* * Processed*
OH... MY... GOD...

"YUGGIE?! AS IN YUGYEOMIE?!" I half-shouted, not wanting to shout fully for the sake of the rest of the customers that remained in the cafe. The guy, who I assume was actually Yugyeom, flinched then giggled. "Ah... Hyung... It is" he removed his hoodie and I was sure it was her... Him... Gah!

"Why are you dressed like a guy?!" I ask, still confused as heck. Namjoon sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder "Look Jacks... I've been trying to tell you all day-" his grip on my shoulder tightened "-If you ever listened to me!-" "Ow ow!" "-You would've heard me explain to you that Yuggie's a boy!" He finished, letting go of my shoulder.

"Ow... But... Why the-" "The girl clothes?" Yugyeom finished for me, looking down as her expression was looking quite sad. I nodded and luckily Namjoon butted in. "Like I said... He likes girl clothes, he loves being called a she and he crossdresses okay?" He explained rather quickly but I think I caught on.

"Oh..." "Do you hate me..?" I turned to Yugyeom who had his other hand in his pocket as he looked at the floor a little, his bangs covering his eyes but I still saw him biting his lips as it quivered. I shook my head "Why would I? You look beautiful as a girl-" Oh gosh... I just confessed "Plus, I wouldn't keep you from doing what you love"

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