"A Few Questions"

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•• Yugyeom's POV ••

I stood there in front of Youngjae, wearing the outfit he had asked me to wear. I blushed at it was kind of emberassing to wear. I mean... I look like a kid...

Youngjae saw me and smiled. He probably thinks this is funny... "Let's go already!" I said and chucked his coat at him. It landed on his face and I laugh at him. Youngjae rolled his eyes "So childish~" he teased.

I stuck my tongue out at him and run downstairs. I stopped as I heard that annoyingly familiar voice echo the walls. "KIM YUGYEOM!" Jihyan yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I rolled my eyes and internally groaned. 'Great... Just great...' I thought to myself. I put on an emotionless expression and face her as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

She looked at me with the scariest look and raised her thin eyebrow at me. "Yes mother?" I asked, looking at her innocently although on the inside I was screaming. I hate calling her mother. Never would I call her that sincerely. "What have you been doing last night?" She asked.

I gulped. I tried to search for my mind for answers but... Nothing. Why can't I remember? What happened last night..? I grew panicked as I felt my heartrate increase. "Kim. Yugyeom..." She said in a threatening manner. My heart was beating out of my chest. Why was I feeling nervous? Is it because of this witch in front of me?

My heart rate increased and increased until I heard... Beep beep beep beep beep! Continuous beeping from my wrist. The heart monitor...

"Ah! Yugyeom ah?!" I heard Youngjae's voice from behind me. He seemed panicked as he hugged me and shook my shoulders. "Yah! What's wrong? Why is your heart rate so high?!" He asked panickingly. I just stared at him in the eyes, emotionless and dull. Everything went blurry... And all I see is black... Did I black out..?

•• Youngjae's POV ••

I heard Yugyeom's heart monitor beeping like crazy so I ran out the room. I ran down to him and completely ignore my mother. Ilooked at Yugyeom worriedly as he wasn't even responding. His heart rate was still pretty high. "Yah! What's wrong? Why is your heart rate so high?!" I asked panickingly.

Then suddenly, the beeping stopped. I looked at Yugyeom's eyes and nothing. I pinch him to make sure and he doesn't even flinch as my nail makes a red mark as I pinched him. "Yah! What's wrong with that boy now?" I hear mother say from behind me. I grit my teeth and ignore her.

"Nothing's wrong with him!" I snap back and drag Yugyeom out the house. Sure, I was gonna get another scolding for snapping like that and running off with Yugyeom but I just can't stand that woman. I led Yugyeom's mentally unconscious body to the car. I sat him down and closed the door for him.

I get in the front and look at him through the rear view mirror. I sigh and drive off...

•• Yugyeom's POV ••

I blinked a couple of times and realized I was in Youngjae's car. Wasnt I at the bottom of the stairs and with Ms. Choi earlier?

I must've done it again...

I sigh and out my head in my hands. "Hey hun~" I hear Youngjae chime. I look up and look back at him through the rear view mirror. I smile weakly at him. "We're here at Bambam's" He said, making me go wide eyed.

"W-Wha... Really?" I said, dumbfounded and look out the car window. We really were at Bambam's. Wait. Why were we here? When did Youngjae know that Bambam lived in Korea now? Heck, when did he know his adress? I was so confused...

Youngjae got out of the car and I did so also. "You wanted an explanation right? Well... Bambam would give it to you" Youngjae said as he bit his lip. I nodded in response but I was still confused. What did Bambam have to do with this?

"Come on" Youngjae held my hand and led me up to the front door. With every step I grew a little nervous. I mean... Bambam's my best friend. So how come he had something to do with the bruises or... You know. H. On my body?

I hear the heart monitor yet again. Youngjae looked at me worriedly and held unto my hand tighter. "Deep breaths hun. Just... Calm... Deep... Breaths" He said slowly as I mimicked him breathing. The heart monitor stopped beating. "There ya go baby boy" He smiled and knocked on the door.

It opened wide and I saw everyone, literally everyone standing behind it. Jungkook, Sungjong, Namjoon, Jin, Jackson, Jaebum and... Bambam. He looked at me with a sad expression. Why was he sad?

I looked worriedly at my best friend. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I noticed Jackson smiling sadly and hugged him immediately. "Hi Jackie oppa~" I chimed, teasingly emphasizing the word "oppa".

Jackson patted my head and I let go of him. "Ahhh~ Gyeomie looks soo cuute!" Jin hyung chimed, pinching my cheeks a bit. Ow...

"Hehe. Hey kid" Namjoon patted my shoulder and I smile. Everyone was here! This was great!

They all lead me to the living room and only then did I realize they were all wearing their pajamas. It seemed funny and cute at the same time. I squealed a bit as I saw matress and pillow forts layed about the living room along with blankets.

This reminds me so much of when Bambam, Sungjong, Jungkook and I had sleepovers. I dove into the blankets and giggled like a kid. Sungjong and Jungkook joined me but Bambam stayed put. I frowned I looked at him, cutely tilting my head.

I threw off my scarf and gloves and realize the purple marks were still there. I felt the marks and immediately realize something.

"Youngjae said you had an explanation for these... What?" I asked Bambam...

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