"A Fight Between Brothers"

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•• Jackson's POV ••

I explained everything to Jin and Namjoon, cause miraculously, they didn't hear Youngjae and neither did they see me and Yugyeom well... French kiss. Like what? Is the kitchen sound proof or something?

A few seconds of silence remained between us as my explanation was finished. It seemed that Jin didn't take the news too well as he stood up and exclaimed "You did what to my baby?!" And pointed at me as if I was a thief who was running with his wallet.

"I kissed Yuggie, no big deal~!" I tried to sell it off as nothing and kept my voice as cool as possible within this tense situation. Seriously, feels like I'm being accused of child abuse right about now.

"No big deal?! You just took my Yugbaby's first kiss! Then you French kiss him in front of his own older brother! Poor baby boy's probably gonna get scolded at home for doing something he didn't even know he did! How could you do this to my poor innocent baby?!" Jin ranted.

"Fine. I'm sorry, okay? I thought that because he didn't back away or refuse me, means that I could. I forgot that Youngjae was there!" I shrugged and Jin huffed out the room. "Don't mind him. Just doesn't want the bird leaving the nest" Namjoon joked and I chuckled.

"Anyways, congrats. You finally got the love of your life!" Namjoon added, raising his hand and accidentally hitting off the tray with the teapots and cups ofcourse, it smashed. "Oops.." "There's the God of Destruction~" Jungkook teased, laughing out loud.

"KIM NAMJOON!!" Jin yelled from the kitchen. "Oh geez..." Namjoon muttered, slowly standing up. "I'll prepare the casket~" Sungjong teased "But in all seriousness. Jin hyung is gonna kill you" Jungkook added and they both waved to Namjoon who was quickly approaching the kitchen.

As soon as he dissapeard from sight, all I heard was whines from Namjoon "Ow! Ow ow!" And yelling from Jin "You idiot! You know how expensive those cups and pots were?! Plus, congratulating my baby's kiss stealer?!" I chuckled at the last part.

"But Jackson hyung..." I looked to Jungkook, who was distracted with looking out the window "Yes?" I asked "I just hope Youngjae and Yuggie don't fight... Again" I didn't really see what was wrong to be honest "It'll be fine~ Brothers fight sometimes" I should know, Mark and I fight... Alot.

"Yeah but... They just got along, and now they're gonna fight again?" I sighed, "It's gonna be fine kid. Don't worry about it~" I hope..?

•• Yugyeom's POV ••

As the car parked at our house, Youngjae got out along with Jaebum. He pulled me out the car and continued dragging me. He must've not noticed, but all this pulling and dragging made a mark on my wrist, close to a bruise.

Kinda hurts too... "Babe! Calm the f*ck down~" Jaebum tried easing Youngjae as he seemed tense and filled with much anger again. Youngjae glared at him "Language!" He glared at Jaebum then at me. I gulped and looked down.

His grip tightened, I whimpered "O-ow! Hyung, that hurts!" But he didn't let go. He kept glaring at me as I clawed at his arm. "Youngjae! Stop! You're hurting your brother!" Jaebum yanked his hand off of me. Youngjae blinked twice and looked disoriented.

"W-what? What happened?" He asked. What does he mean 'what happened'? What's going on? "You were hurting Yuggie" JB explained, pointing to me as I was holding on my purple bruised wrist. I examined it and it was quite bruised.

His eyes widened " I... I'm sorry... Yugyeom." I looked up immediately "Neh?" He pointed upstairs "Go to your room." He said monotonely. I tilted my head "But hyung I-" "Now!" He yelled and stomped his foot at the same time, startling me.

I frowned "Fine! Be like that-" I yelled as I slowly walked up the stairs and looked down at him "Be like your mom for all I care!" With that, I sped upstairs and ran to my room as fast as I could. I could feel tears welling up and I clenched my teeth.

I didn't want to cry for a little thing. I slammed the door behind me, locking it as well. I collapsed on the bed and hugged my pillow, silently crying into it. Like I always do...

•• Youngjae ••

I sighed as Yugyeom ran up the stairs, his last few words hitting me like a huge rock. I heard the door slam and was thankful that our parents weren't home. If they were, JB would be the least of their worries.

Yuggie might get more than just a scolding from them. Jaebum looked at me with concern and I flash a small smile. "Can you stay in the living room? I need to talk to him..." He nodded and came to me, kissing my cheek and smiling at me. "Be careful. Don't hurt him, okay?"

Then he walked into the main living room. I started going up the stairs and to the direction of Yugyeom's room. As I reached his room, I stared at the white door with a chalkboard saying "Little Angel's Domain" written on it with chalk. I remembered writing that the moment we became brothers.

I smiled and knocked lightly "Yuggie? Yuggie... Please? Open the door?" No answer. Not even a peep. I sighed and knocked another few times, saying loudly for him to hear through the door "We need to talk. Yugs, open the door" Still, no answer.

I grew frustrated "If you don't open this door, I will." I threatened, getting out my own spare keys to every room in the house. No answer. Fine then. Be like that. I thought as I placed the key in the hole and turned it, I opened the door and no lights were on.

Strange. He usually hates the dark. I turned on the lights and froze as I dropped the keys, it making a clattering sound as it hit the navy blur carpet. I panicked as I ran out his bedroom.

Because Yuggie wasn't in the room...

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