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Dear diary,
I saw Jack talking with Jess today.
I overheard a few words. Not many though. But I heard them say Lucy. How dare they talk about her!
They don't even know her!
But then...
I heard my name.
Straight away I knew. They knew about everything...
I heard them say they were going to put a note in her locker.
It still surprises me that two people can be so different yet be from the same family. Jack's my twin. But he's a dick...He's just like Jess. Those two make the perfect take-down team.
There plan was fool proof...
There was nothing I could do about it, Lucy was going to hate me.
She already hates me enough.
I can't just let them do this to her.
But I don't know what to do.
Jack looks exactly like me.
If she sees me...Well him put a note in her locker, she's straight away gonna think that I put it there...
When I didn't.
They're going to ruin everything...
And there's nothing I can do about it.
Or is there?

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