chapter 2: new beginings

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Reese pov

On the trampoline next door to my house was dylan Mitchell, Quentin mcconathay, and tanner braungardt doing flips and filming a new video for his channel. Apparently I must of have been staring because Quentin told tanner and dylan something then they all came over to where I was standing.

"Can I help you" tanner asked

"what?" I said confused

"can we help you" said dylan

"oh sorry I have to go" I lied.

"Wait who are you!?" Quentin yelled as I was walking away.

"Reese" I called back.

Dylan pov

Whoever that Reese was she was smoking and I want her bad. "Dylan at you even paying attention to what I'm saying" Quentin asked

"no um what were you saying?" I asked

"I said that I have dibs on Reese" he said

"what if I want dibs on her" I said

"what if I want her" tanner said

"you have Paris" Quentin and I said in unison.

"So I can dump her" tanner said

"what if Reese doesn't even like you and you dump Paris for nothing? what would you do then?" Quentin said.

Quentin pov

I will do anything to have Reese even if we just met I want her so back and would do any thing do her. -fake phone call-"I have to take this ill be back in a minute" I said

"yeah mom what's up? oh, ok I'm on my way" I lied my mom didn't even call I just wanted to go next door and talk to Reese.  I go back to tanner and dylan and tell them that I have to leave, but I'm really going next door.

Tanner pov

Quentin seemed really suspicious when he went to go take that "phone call" and when he said he had to leave. Im pretty sure he's just going next door to talk to Reese, but I dont know because his mom may really need him.

Reese pov

Im getting my room unpacked when I hear a knock at the door, so I went and answered. To my surprise It was Quentin.  "What are you doing here" I asked

"I came over to talk to you, is there something wrong with that?" Quentin asked

"no, not at all, please come in" I told him

"ok, wow this is a really nice place, you know, a murder used to live here, so we never came inside this house before" he told me

"really?" I asked

"yeah he killed a person or two, but you know that's in the past" he said

Quentin pov

I was so in love with her, I didn't know what to do. I decided that since wee becoming such good friends that I would invite her over. "Do you want to spend the night at my house tonight" I asked

"sure, id love to, you know, its nice to have people around, especially when I just moved here" she said. I saw her smile and the sparkle in her eye when she said that sentence. It made me want her even more.

"Lets go then " I said

Reese pov
At Quentin's house
"This is a really nice place" I said

"thanks" Quentin replied. After about a half an hour there was an knock on the door, and when we went and opened it tanner and dylan were there.

Authors note
Stay tuned for my next update to see what happens next.
Remember that this is my first story so no hate.

It ain't my fault

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