chapter 10: slits

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Reese pov

We went to Quentins house. I was sad. I was happy. I was confused. I was angry. Why did tho happen to us. The world may never know. All I know is tha that wet safe. For now. At least. Im thankful. Tristan came. He saved me. He saved us. Then I got a text.

Texts between Reese and unknown

Kill yourself

Who is this

Kill yourself

Who is this

Kill yourself

Leave me alone

Kill yourself


kill yourself

Why are you texting me such harsh things

Kill yourself

What if I dont want to

Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself

Leave me live my life

Kill yourself

End of texts

Quentin pov

"Who was that" I asked Reese.  She gasped. "Whats the matter. What is it." I asked concerned "look" she showed me the text. She texted back. She got another text. She yexted back. She got another text. She texted back. She got another text. She texted back. She got another text.  She texted back. She got another text.  She texted back.  Then she gasped. She showed me the text. I huged her tight. She huged back. She got up to go to the bathroom. She was crying when she got up. I followed her but Waite outside of the bathroom.

Reese pov

I went to rhe bathroom and locked the door. I looked through the cupboards for something sharp. Something that I could kill myself with.

Quentin pov

I herd Reese looking through the cupboards. I didn't want her to do that. Thats why I brought the key to the door.

Reese pov

The words repeating in my head. Kill yourself. I found something sharp. I looked at my wrists. I started with my left. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6 cuts in my left wrist each cut deeper than the one before. Blood spilling into the sink. Right wrist. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 cuts in my right wrists is all I got before I fell.

Quentin pov

I heard Reese fall. I unlocked and opened the door. Why didn't I stop her. There was a puddle of blood on the floor. It kept getting bigger. I looked at the sink. It had blood all over. It was on the counter. Everywhere. I went and turned on the shower. I picked up Reese.  Her eyes were still open. She was still breathing. She was moving a little bit. She tried to talk but nothing came out. I set her down in the shower and rinsed off her wrists. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 11cuts on her wrists all together. Why didn't I stop her. She grabbed my hand as I was scrubbing dry blood from her arms. "Im sorry" she said "no im sorry I should of stopped you" I said. "Why. Tell me why I tried to kill myself" she said/yelled "I don't know. You listened to that person that was texting you" I said "why didn't you just leave me die. Its what everybody wanted" she said "because I love you. I love you more than anything in the world" I told her. She began crying as I turned off the water. I looked at the ground. I saw the sharp object. It was the same object I used to cut my wrists last year. "Look at my wrists" I told her showing her them "what am I looking cut yourself. When. Why." She said "I was like you at now. Somebody told me to kill my self so I tried. There were 7 on my left and 8 on my right. I dont know why I did it. I was confused. So when you got the texts I followed you. I brought the key with just in case you locked the  door. I didn't want you to die. Please dont leave me" I said by the end of what I was saying she was crying even more and I started to cry. "Thank you" she said "for what" I asked "saving my life" she said "you learn from the best" I said "who saved your life" she asked "dylan" I said "did you thank him" she asked "no" I said "lets go to him then so you can thank him" she said "ok" I said.

Authors note
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It ain't my fault

one last chance // Quentin McconathyWhere stories live. Discover now