Interlude: Stefan's POV

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The filthy mutt was reeking of it, the cocky smirk that dog gave along with a glint of ownership almost had me lunging him toward him, to rip his throat out with my fangs just remembering the way Damon leaned against him as he purred with pleasure had my blood boiling I hissed slamming my fist against the cold wet ground ignoring the pain that crawled up my arm as my knuckles split open.

What was so amazing about that dog that attracted Damon’s attention!?!, he was our enemy an beast in human form, he killed hundreds of our kind! Brought mass genocide on us persecuting us vampires because of who we are. How could Damon fall in love with…with that animal!?! I should be the one who gets to hold Damon at night, I should be the one who gets to whisper words of love into his ear it should be me god damn it! Not that hound!. Nails dragged against the walls letting out ear-splitting screech.

Fang’s tickled against my gums, begging to be released fury flowed through my veins like poison bloodlust clouding my mind, I wanted find him. To rip that smirking cocky wolf piece by fucking piece how dare he take what’s mine!?! I’ll tear his head off and feast on his blood; I’m the one who deserves Damon’s love not him! A growl flowed through me “hey! Keep quiet in there!” I crouched at the feminine voice baring my fangs in a threatening gesture.

There was silence, soon followed by soft footsteps there was a soft creek as the door to my cell opened, brown feral eyes glanced at me in boredom I hissed a slow smile crept onto her face before she pulled out a squirt bottle spraying its contents into the room. Water droplets darted in every direction my skin sizzled at the touch on instinct I backed up into a corner letting out a soft whimper, “keep it up asshole I got plenty of holy water” I glared knowing better than to hiss this time.

But she continued to smirk at me, a murderous twinkle in her eye “you did something to freak out my boy earlier” I tensed, the smirk widened at that “this is payback for whatever the hell you did to me” there was another soft squirt before my body felt like it was on fire. I screamed pushing myself off the corner to get away from the water; she laughed her voice echoing against the walls.

I scrambled myself to my feet, almost falling over my body weak from having little to no blood in my systems, she squirted more holy water on me the feeling of liquid fire intensifying each time it touched my skin. My legs no longer strong to stand my full weight collapsed from underneath me, my body quivered senses overwhelmed with pain “please…” I begged my voice sounding hoarse “please…stop…” she stared at me eyes suddenly cold and hard we stared at each other her grip on the squirt bottle tightened “did you stop when Damon begged you to?” she lifted her finger ready to press down on the trigger of the bottle.

Then everything became a blur, with a strength I never knew I had I shot up off the ground, wrapping my fingers tightly around her wrist as my eyes darkened my fangs sprang free from their confines. Her eyes widened she opened her mouth to scream but before she utter a sing sound my fang’s pressed deep within the soft tissue of her neck she twitched bringing up knee to connect with my stomach but the moment, her blood touched the tip of my tongue it was over the taste so erotic I couldn’t help but lose myself to it.

She lifted her knee again, the impact weaker than before I bit harder against her neck letting out a moan of ecstasy, her body shivered uncontrollably until she gave one last quiver and went limp in my arms. Smirking I tossed her aside letting her body flop onto the hard ground; I let out a shaky breath my senses suddenly overwhelming Damon’s scent slamming hard against me spiking my arousal.

Oh yes, I will reclaim what’s rightfully mine…but first there was someone I needed to see.

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