Chapter 2: Tyler's Pov

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“No Damon”


“Just because you keep stretching the ‘a’ in please doesn’t mean it’s going to annoy me enough to say yes”

Damon pouted, eyes silently begging me before a smirk crawled up his face and he straddled my lap, he moved his hips teasingly rubbing against me I let out a shaky breath before mentally kicking myself in the shin. Damon leaned in his lips inches away from mine “I’ll let you use your new handcuffs on me” oh sweet Jesus! His offer was so tempting I almost forgot why i said no in the first place...Almost I growled against his lips sending a shiver through his body I grinned i haven’t even touched him yet and he was already needy for me I reached forward and rubbed him feeling the flesh behind the denim jeans harder. I nibbled his neck before pressing my lips against his ear and whispering “no”.

Damon let out a surprised, squeak as I lifted him off of me and onto the cushion next to me He blinked processing what happened, and let out a frustrated groan “Tyler!” I chuckled standing up from my seat on the couch. “Why can’t I see him?” I rolled my eyes please tell me that was a rhetorical question, “hmm...I don’t know Damon maybe it’s because he tried to sacrifice you or maybe it’s the face that he took your voice away and tortured for on end” Damon sighed. I still don’t understand how he could forgive him so easily he almost killed he almost slit his freaking throat! And he forgives him like its nothing just thinking about what could have happened; if I didn’t show up makes my blood boil.

I heard a soft creek, as Damon stood from the couch he slithered his arms around my waist delivering a small peck on my neck, “calm yourself my mate” I purred leaning back in his embrace. “Besides I just want to ask him one question that’s all” I turned around in his arms and quirked my brow at him “is it that important?” he nodded vigorously, I cocked my head “well what is it?” Damon smirked a playful twinkle in his eyes “it’s a secret if you want to find out you’ll just have to come with me when I see Stefan”.

I let out a primal possessive growl, when Damon said his brother’s name but he quickly kissed it away, “now come on I’m sure Haruka’s just dying to see us”


The dungeon area of the mansion, was the only thing I hated about the place, when I became alpha and inherited castle-like abode the dungeon, was the only part of the house that made my stomach twist into knots. I didn’t want anything to do with it…so I gave to Haruka as a birthday present she’s always had this strange urge to afflict agonizing pain and agony to those who she believed deserved it, okay now I’ll admit it giving her a dungeon is like giving a serial killer a gun but as long as she don’t inflict her….horrible torture methods on me I don’t care what she does down there.

“Haruka!” the petite pale skinned and black haired woman looked up, blinking in surprise she stared at us for a second, as if trying to processes that we we’re even down here once the dots connected in her head she shot up. Sprinted over to us and almost tackled to the ground with a hug “Damon! Tyler! I haven’t seen you guys in forever!” awww she’s so cute it’s almost hard to believe that she’s a psychopath.

She quirked her brow at me, gazing me curiously “Tyler what are you doing here? I thought you hated this place” she has no idea how much I do, “Damon has someone who he wants to see” Haruka attention instantly turned toward Damon I chuckled. Haruka’s always has a soft spot for Damon she always calls him her little vampire “my little vampire wants to see someone in a dark scary place like this? Must be someone pretty important I’m surprised Tyler let you come down here then especially since he has the whole possessive-your-mine werewolf issues”, “I don’t have possessive issues!” “Uh-huh keep telling yourself that Tyler”.

“Anyway tell aunty Haruka who it is you want to see” Damon hesitated for a second, in that moment we both knew how she would react, “I’m here to see Stefan” “what!?!” here we go…Her eyes we’re wide in rage. She was practically seething in anger “You want to see that…that disgusting pervert!?!” Damon flinched and cowered a little behind me he gave her a small nod, “we won’t be long he just wants to ask him a question” “must be pretty important then” “that’s what I said!” Haruka nibbled on her bottom lip, eyeing my mate mysteriously before letting out a long aggravated sigh “all right follow me”.

Silence engulfed us, as she led us down a dark barely lit hallway god this place is so freaking creepy, she stopped abruptly in front of a rusty bar cell door. “Here we go gentlemen” she unlocked the rusty door and with a grunt got it to open “you guys got 10 minutes oh and you can rip his head off if he tries something I won’t mind” she gave us a creepy little laugh before skipping away well…I’m going to have nightmares about her tonight….

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