Interlude: According to plan

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It didn’t take long for me to find her.

Even though I haven’t seen her in decades, she was still so predictable the scent of spices and the blood of humans invaded my nostrils, as I ducked under a low tree branch. Ever step I took the scent became stronger and stronger tempting and enticing, I pushed my way through thorny shrubs.

And just like I anticipated, a huge rundown mansion revealed itself on the other side I smirked taking in a deep breath, taking in more than one scent there were probably at least a dozen vampires inside. And from the smell of it very old vampires at that the kind that were created before I was even a thought, I let out a shaky breath the multiple scents overwhelming I took a step forward. And almost immediately became face to face with dirt while nails dug into my shoulder.

“What is your purpose here?”

The voice sounded hoarse, almost strained on instinct I squirmed the action pushing the nails deeper into my shoulder, a demonic hiss flowed into my eardrums “what is your purpose here?” the voice repeated. Pushing his nails in further tickling bone I bit my bottom lip to keep from crying out, “my purpose here” I began fighting through to the pain “is to screw your mother” a punch to my rips was my reward for my smart ass retort the body above me seethed with fury.

The nails yanked themselves, from my shoulder I could feel them hovering over my face “rot in hell” the hiss cursed, I shifted my body as a soft zip made my undead heart pound against my chest. The nails were inches away from my face when a voice called out “stop!” the hand halted and the weight disappeared from my body, I sighed in relief moving to my hands in knees pushing myself to stand.

“You know you could lighten up on the security” I grunted, a light chuckle fluttered through the air, “it’s your own fault for showing up here without calling first” cupid lips curled into a smile as brown eyes glistened with mischief, for that moment she looked exactly like Elena but the aura of deception that wrapped around her was the only difference between the two gently she grabbed my hand dragging me into the mansion before I could protest “come on let me get you a drink you look like you could use it”.

She hurried us inside, thrusting a shot glass into my hand I quirked my brow causing her to smirk, “what you want a live human? You’re going to have to earn that buddy” I rolled my eyes accepting the red liquid that she poured my glass. Taking a swig of it reveling the feeling of ecstasy that followed, “so steffy what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be out banging my sister against a table somewhere? How is she by the way?” I fought to keep from smiling against the shot glass.


Her eyes widened, already pale skin became paler as her mouth became ajar forming a ‘o’, “w-what” she stuttered I put down the shot glass taking in her shocked appearance, “she’s dead Katherine” hearing the word dead for the second time caused her breath to hitch tears welled in her eyes but she furiously whipped them away refusing to let them fall. “H-how did she…die?” her soft voice quivered at the end “she was executed by the werewolves they made her burn to ash in the sunlight” Katherine quirked her brow.

“Executed? But that means that she was…” she glanced at me eyes distant, until they sparked with realization; a thought crawled into her head before fangs bared at me and her eyes blackened. She let out a demonic hiss her hand wrapped around my pharynx slamming me against a nearby wall, “you bastard! You let her get captured the wolves didn’t you!?! You promised me that you wouldn’t let anything happen to her!”

“Katherine…” I breathed, wrapping my hand weakly against her wrist “I tried…to save her…” she frowned, pulling me away from the wall only to slam me back against it “you try hard enough now did you Stefan?” the hand around my throat tightened “it wasn’t….my fault…Damon told them…to do it” “what?” the hand relaxed allowing me to, take in gulps of air “what are you talking about? Damon doesn’t run with wolves”. “That’s not exactly true anymore” confusion sketched across Katherine’s face.

“Damon hates the wolves he would never betray us like that”

“Oh? Well then why is he married to one? And a male werewolf at that”

“W-what? Liar!”

“Oh how I wish I was”

I let out a sigh, still pressed heavily against the wall while Katherine gave me a look of bewilderment, she blinked at me “but he doesn’t even like the wolves so how-“, “that doesn’t matter” I interrupted, “what matters is that Damon allowed those mutts to let her burn to a crisp”, “but Damon loved her!” I nodded in agreement. Silently coaxing her into my web “I know”, “they must have done something to him! Put him under a trance or something we have to get him back Stefan!”.


“I know which is why I know how we can get him back” she quirked her brow, obviously interested “you have a plan?” I nodded “what is it?” “well first we need that lovely little machine of yours then the rest will fall into place” my lips curled into a sympathetic smile, “don’t worry Katherine we’ll get revenge on the wolves and free Damon I promise” tearfully she smiled back, before letting go of my throat and wrapping her arms around my waist pulling me into her embrace.

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close fighting the urge to chuckle everything was going according to plan.

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