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I'm awakened by my phone ringing. My head is hurting and my body feels weird. It feels worse than being hungover.

"Hello?" I answer. "Nikki!" Lana says cheerfully on the other end. "Hey." I answer squinting at the sunlight hitting my window.

"I've got great news for you." She gushes. "Really?" I can technically feel Lana smiling through the phone.

"There's a party tonight." She says. I feel disappointed right away. "I don't want to party."

"No, no, it's not just a regular party. It's one of those parties." She says. "Seriously?" I ask suddenly feeling more awake. This could be my opportunity.

"Yes! It's a welcome party for the main one. She says. "Who is the main one?" I'm still new to this so I don't know what she's talking about.

"Agh, Nicole. I'll explain it later. Just be here by five today okay? We're leaving at 5:30. It's a two hour drive."

"Just you and I?" Lana laughs, "Of course not dummy. They want forty females." Forty? "What? Why so many?"

"Because they throw huge parties. Those men want at least three for each." She says. "With my luck none of them will pick me." I mumble.

"Don't be such a pessimist, Nicole. There's going to be at least fifteen drug lords. There's no way one of them won't pick you." I sigh, "I really hope so. And umm Lana. How much are they paying?"

"Four thousand." Four thousand? That's so much money. "For how many nights?" I ask. "Just one." One? Four thousand for one night? "Are you kidding?"

"Would I kid around like that? Obviously not. Okay well I'll let you go. I have to finish calling the other girls. You were the first one I called." I smile but then remember last night. "Thank you."

"Okay bye." Before she hangs up I speak up quickly. "Hey Lana?" She hums, "Hmm?" I bite the inside of my lip, "Sorry about last night."

Just thinking about it makes my cheeks burn in flames. "Don't worry about it. Be ready for tonight and get super pretty because tonight will be your night."

I get up from the bed and on my way to the bathroom I see Rollins' suit jacket. It's lying on my other nightstand.

I walk to it and touch it. It feels soft and delicate. He didn't say anything to me but just looked and put it on me.

Thinking about it makes me a bit happy. I though that was really sweet. I slowly bring the jacket close to my nostrils and sniff it.

It smells like heaven.
"How do I look?" I ask Lana. She whistles at me as she looks from head to toe. "Hot. You're definitely going to get one."

"Are you sure this dress looks good?" I ask self consciously looking at my short black dress. "Oh yeah. It compliments your body great."

I look around and see a ton of girls. Some of them don't even work here. "Did you get all forty?" I ask.

She nods her head satisfied. "How?" I ask looking at the girls. Some are short. Some are tall. Some have curly hair others straight hair. Some are extremely thin others are curvy.

"How could they say no? They're getting paid a ton just for one night." She says mimicking money with her hand.

"How do those people have so much money to pay each girl four thousand?" I whisper. "They're not paying all of them four." She says.

I furrow my eyebrows and she speaks up again, "You see those thin girls? Well they're all natural. No boob job, no butt job, all natural. They aren't thrilled about plain women but they still pay for them. So they're only getting paid one thousand."

"I thought they'd prefer natural women. Not women like... me." I say staring at my breasts. "Honey, they don't care if they're fake. As long as they're big."

I look at the side of the road and see a line of cars. Lana stars telling the girls to get in. I watch as they get in.

It makes me wonder who introduced them to this world? Who tempered them to start living like this?

"Come on Nikki. We're getting the very first car." Lana says grabbing my hand and pulling me to a silver truck.

Two hours later we arrive. When I look out the dark tinted windows my mouth goes dry. This place is huge.

This is not a house. This is a mansion. It's so big I could get lost in it. Lana gets off the car quickly.

"Ladies! Ladies! Settle down. I know you're excited and all but settle down. You have to be good tonight. Don't you dare to steal anything because they'd kill you without a doubt. You have to do whatever they say no matter what. This is what they're paying you for. So be good. Okay? Now walk in single file line."

She points to the door where two guards are opening the door. Lana walks back to me and I catch Eva looking at me as she's moving up the line.

She's wearing all red. Literally. "Is Rollins going to be here?" I whisper to Lana. She gives me a look and raises her eyebrows, "Yes he is. Why?"

"Just wondering." I reply looking back at Eva. She rolls her eyes and looks away. Lana and I wait until the very last girl goes in.

We walk in together to the huge mansion. This place looks more like a castle. There's a lot of guards with guns. When you first walk in there's a huge pool.

This pool is so big I'm sure we could all fit in. Then there's two large staircases on each side to go up to the house.

There's about thirty windows in the front. Not counting the sides. I'm looking around everywhere shocked by so much luxury. I've never seen anything like it.

There's tables set up with all kinds of food and all kinds of wines. Any thing you can think of they have right here.

"Nice huh?" Lana whispers to me. I nod my head astonished as I look at every detail. The garden is so well done and the bushes are shaped like certain things.

"Imagine becoming one of their wives or girlfriend." She says. "They have multiple?" I ask. Lana chuckles, "Of course they do."

"Do they get to live with them?" I ask and she nods her head slowly smiling. "Wow." Its all I can say.

As I'm looking around I'm met by a pair of familiar eyes. I bite the inside of cheek when I see him.

His hair is in a messy bun with the blonde strand showing. He's wearing a red suit with a black shirt that's halfway opened.

He has a glass of alcohol in his hand with his flashy watch and gold ring. He looks so flawless it takes my breath away.

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