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I'm in the middle of my mile run when my phone rings. I immediately take it out of my pocket to answer it.

"Hello?" I answer quickly. "Hey baby." A rough voice says. The excitement runs through my veins and I grin. "Hello sir."

"Still calling me sir?" Roman asks. "Just a sign of respect." I say and he chuckles a bit. "What a good girl."

"I thought you had forgotten about me." I mumble as I bite the inside of my cheek. "I wouldn't forget about you, Nikki. You're a special girl."

"I'm glad you think so love." I answer taking a seat on a bench outside the apartment building. "I'm calling because I want to see you again. Right now."

"Right now?" Its not that I don't want to see him because I do. Roman is the only way I can make my dreams come true. "Yes. Is that a problem?" He sounds serious all of the sudden.

"No, no, Roman. I just finished running and I'm all sweaty and gross." I say quietly. "Don't worry about that. You'll have time to get ready. I'll send someone to pick you up in about two hours."

"Okay sounds great. See you later." When he hangs up I squeal jumping up from the bench. I didn't think he'd want to see me again but he does.

I'm standing outside the apartment building waiting for someone to pick me up. I hope that I look decent enough for Roman.

He's an important powerful man and he can have any girl he desires. Right now I'm that girl he desires and I want to keep it that way forever. Or at least I hope so.

My phone rings suddenly and I'm hoping its not Roman to cancel on me. "Hey Lana." I answer relieved when I see it's her calling.

"Hey Nikki." She sounds serious and that's not a good sign. She's very cheerful and bubbly. "What's up?"

"I just... I just need to talk to you about something." She says quietly. "Okay I'm listening."

"It's about your job." I furrow my eyebrows together. After the incident that happened two nights ago Lana gave me a few days off.

"Don't worry I'll be back tomorrow. Well if I don't stay with Roman." I say with a low chuckle. "Wait what?"

"I was going to call you to tell you but you called first. Roman called and he wants to see me! He sent someone to pick me up."

"You can't go." She says quickly. "What? Why?" I ask confused. "Because you can't! Nicole who else is going to be there?"

"I don't know Lana. Why're you panicking? Isn't this what we both wanted?" Lana starts breathing really heavy.

"No, no, no Nicole. You can't go. If you go and-" I cut Lana off when a white car stops in front of my apartment building.

"Lana I have to go I'll call you later I promise." I hang up quickly and turn the volume down. A man with longish hair gets out of the car.

"Hello ma'am." He says. "Hey. Umm, Romans driver?" I ask and he nods opening the back door for me. I get in and he shuts it.

It's like having a chauffeur and it's nice. The man starts driving and my phone starts buzzing like crazy.

Lana is literally blowing up my phone with a ton of texts. "Why did you hang up?"

"Nicole you can't go."

"Please don't go."

"I need you to call me it's really important."

"Call me!"

"Or at least answer my texts."

"It's really important."

"Its about Rollins."

The last text leaves me wondering and I almost feel like calling her. Sadly I can't because that's too risky.

Who knows if Roman has cameras in here or microphones or the driver could tell. I don't want to risk losing this opportunity.

Although I want to know what Lana has to say about all this and how Rollins is involved I can't.

So I erase the text messages and block her phone number so while I'm with Roman she doesn't call.

If Roman wants to check my phone I can hand it to him without worrying about Lana mentioning Rollins.

Lana told me that if I ever thought of getting involved with Rollins - Roman would kill me and him too.

Throughout the whole ride I'm thinking of Lana's texts. I couldn't even pay attention where I was going.

It's not like I can tell anyways. This cars windows are so black tinted I can't even see outside. It's probably so I don't know how to get to Romans mansion.

He can't risk me knowing the way because I could easily call the police or the FBI on him. I wouldn't ever think of that though.

"We're here madam." The driver says as we enter some gates. At first I don't recognize the place because we came in a different way, but once I see the weird shaped bushes I know we're here.

The drivers gets off and he opens the door for me. I get off and the drivers gets back in to go park the car.

I stand still and look around. Even though I've seen it before I can't get used to how amazing this place is.

It's so beautiful and elegant. It's a dream house. If I was famous I'd love to have a house this big. I'd love to have money to start my own businesses and help my family in every way.

But the only way I can become famous is by having a rich boyfriend. "Impressive huh?" A voice says.

I turn around and see Roman as he's walking down the steps. I nod my head, "Yes sir." I say shyly.

He finally approaches me and greets me with a kiss. It takes me by surprise but I forgot that I'm his sex partner. Sorta.

"I missed you so much my Nikki." He says as he wraps his arms around me. "Me too." I reply wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I've just been so busy with business and stuff. You understand, right?" He asks and I nod my head once again, "Yes I do."

He smiles pecking my nose, "Good. You're such a good girl Nikki." He gives me another kiss and then grabs my hand leading me to the entrance.

"Something to drink dear?" He asks as I take a seat on his couch. His living room is huge. He's got paintings all over the walls and a big flashy chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

He's got a big shelf with all kinds of alcohol. "Wine please." I say scooting back in the couch. Wine is the only alcoholic drink I like but if Roman were to ask me to drink vodka I'd do it.

He stars serving me wine when I see two cups on the center table. "Do you have visitors?" I ask as he hands me the wine.

He grabs one of the cups from the table as he sits beside me. "Yeah. Seth and I were discussing some stuff."

"Seth is here?" I ask feeling my heart race. "Indeed I am." A voice says. I slowly turn my head as Seth walks in.

He looks at me and smiles. "Hello Nikki."

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