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His hands slowly grab my face and brings it closer to him. Our noses are touching and I have to hold my breath.

Just when I think he's going to kiss me someone calls him. He quickly steps back like he just touched acid.

I stand still as I watch him dig through his coat that's on the ground. He finally finds the phone but it stops ringing by then.

When he avoids eye contact and doesn't try to get close to me again I feel disappointed. "We're not even done talking." I say as he picks up his shirt.

He turns his back on me and I see a tattoo down his neck. "I'm busy Nicole. I have to do some stuff."

"But we're not done." I say quickly as he's reaching the glass door. "We're done." He says quietly.

He opens the door and gets in. I feel my disappointment inside slowly turn into anger. He always leaves without even explaining anything.

I stomp inside furiously, Seth always leaves me hanging. I will never understand that man! I sit on the last step on the staircase and stare at the dark red carpet.

"Are you okay ma'am?" Dean asks. I look up slowly meeting his eyes. "Am I a bad person for being a prostitute?"

Deans eyes widen and he looks at the floor. "Ma'am." He simply breathes. "Because I am a prostitute is it okay for people to judge me? Am I that awful?"

"No one has the right to judge others. You can't point fingers at someone because of their mistakes. I don't think you're a bad person madam."

"Thank you Dean." I say getting up. "Thank you." I repeat as I turn around and start going up the stairs.


"Are you just going to avoid me?" Seth asks. I feel him staring at me but I don't want to look up.

"Nicole." He says. "Nicole." He repeats. This time he puts his hand on my forearm and this makes me look up.

"You can't avoid me forever." He says. I look back down and start stabbing my breakfast food with the fork.

Seth didn't even bother to eat dinner with me last night. He obviously didn't want to see me and he was clearly trying to avoid me.

Now he expects me to talk to him like nothing? One thing I've learned about Seth this past few weeks is not to get close or comfortable.

Because once I start feeling close to him he shuts me right out. He finds a way to push me away by hurting my feelings. What he says it true but very hurtful.

And I'm done getting hurt. I've been hurt my whole life. Why does he have to hurt me too? Just because he's rich he can hurt me?

"Come on say something." He says leaning in closer. "I don't want to talk to you." I say not looking at him.

He sighs and leans back in his chair. "Okay. I respect that. When you're ready to talk we'll talk." When I'm ready to talk? Shouldn't it be backwards since he's always running away?

I snort as I shove a mouthful in my mouth. "Wanted to say something Nicole?" He asks. I swallow the mouthful of oatmeal and nod my head.

"Can Dean take me out today? I don't want to be a prisoner in my room again." He raises his eyebrows. "You're not a prisoner but okay."

I continue to eat the food in silence. Throughout the whole thing I feel him staring at me.

At times it makes me feel intimidated but then I think of everything he's done and I forget it. When I'm done I push my plate away and get up.

"Excuse me sir." I say as I quickly walk out. When I'm out the dinning room I can finally breathe normal again.

"Dean?" I call out. Dean walks to me in a matter of seconds. "Can you take me out?" He looks in the direction of the dinning room.

"Don't worry I got permission from your master." He looks at the dinning room again. "If you don't believe me you can ask him."

"Where would you like to go madam?"


Dean brought me to town so I can see where I want to go. "Could you stop here?" I say as he's driving by a street I recognize.

He parks and I get off the car. "I have to stay by your side at all times ma'am." Dean says as he follows me behind.

I don't even bother to argue anymore because I know it's useless. Dean is always watching me. He's basically my bodyguard.

As we're walking down the street I see a boutique I recognize. It's the same boutique Lana took me too.

The same place where I saw those expensive sunglasses. The same place where I told her I'd work for her.

I stare at the boutique as two ladies walk out. They're smiling and laughing at something. Now that I have money to buy the whole store I don't feel the need too.

Instead I keep walking down street until I see a fast food place. "I'm going to use the bathroom okay? You can wait for me here."

Dean looks unsure but I give him a look. "Okay madam." He says standing literally outside the door. I walk in and head to the bathroom.

"I wish but I'm broke." A girl says to another as I walk in. "It's going to be so fun. Too bad you're going to miss it." The other girl with bright pink lipstick responds.

They look about sixteen. Both bathroom stalls are busy so I stand by the wall waiting. "I know. No need to rub it in my face." The girl responds.

"Dan is paying for my ticket. He pays for everything." The bright pink lipstick girl replies. "Dan is like twenty four. He's a child abuser."

"Dan is my boyfriend. He's sweet and gives me what I want." Pink lipstick girl responds defensively. "He gives you everything for sleeping with him."

All of the sudden my stomach turns into knots and I start feeling nauseous. The girl with the lipstick notices me staring and says something harshly to the other girl.

I don't even want to use the bathroom anymore. I walk out quickly making my way through people.

When I'm out I look for Dean who is not standing where he was. I close my eyes as I remember that girls words.

Is that how dumbfounded I was too?

"Nikki Bella." A voice behind me says quietly. My eyes open slowly as I hear that voice. My heart starts beating rapidly and I feel that familiar fear creep up my legs.

I'm dead.

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