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I'm staring at my reflection on the car window. The cold wind is making my bones ache. "Will you come back?" Brie asks.

I turn around and see her standing behind me. "One day." I reply. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I've been sure for four years." I say. She nods her head her eyes teary. "Please don't cry. Mom already cried me a river when I said goodbye."

"I just don't want you to go." She says as tears fall from her eyes. I hug her and she hugs me back tightly.

"I have to go,Brie. You know I've been miserable ever since that day. I can't fit in here. This is not where I belong. I have to go find him. Wherever he is."

"Promise me you'll take care." She sniffs as she pulls away. "I promise." I reply smiling. "Tell Bryan I said bye. I wish I could wait for him to get back but I have to get going."

She nods her head as she wipes more tears. "And take care of the girls." I say as I look at the little three year old inside the house then at her seven month belly.

"I will. I love you." We hug once more, "I love you too, Brie." and then I get in the car. Brie waves bye as I turn on the car and start driving out of her driveway.

I'm headed nowhere in specific. Honestly, I don't even now where I'm headed. I have no idea what I'm doing all I know is this feel right.

All I know is ever since that day I feel a hole in my chest that can't be filled up. All I know is that ever since that day everything feels like echoes of silence.

All I know is I want to see his face again. I want to feel his hand intertwined with mine again. I want to kiss him again and tell him everything I didn't get to say to him.

I want to tell him how much I love him and how much I've missed him these four long years. I want to let him know my heart still belongs to him and that I won't ever stop loving him.

It still hurts to think about the last time I saw him. I don't know if I'll ever even find him. I don't even know if he's okay.

I don't know where or who he is with but all my heart and head know is that I have to find a way.

"We're going to see each other again. One day." I say my chin starting to quiver. He pulls me in for another hug and I feel my vision get blurry. "One day." He repeats kissing my head.

I wipe a tear that falls from my eye as I speed up. The horizon ahead looks beautiful and it reminds me so much of his sunset eyes.

One day we will cross paths again, Seth. I know we will.

echoes of silence *WWE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now