Chapter 2

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Amrah's POV

"I don't think this is a good idea," Amy called out to me.

We were in the middle of the parks and had just returned from shopping. Well, I say we were shopping, but let's face it, we're broke. I hadn't wanted to take out a student maintenance loan. Luckily I had saved a lot of money by staying at home.

"It'll be fine, don't worry." I reassured Amy. I had decided that it would be a good to have a picnic. But Amy and Rania didn't think this was a good idea.

"But it's so cold," complained Rania.

"That is the purpose of a coat so you should buy one."

"Thanks for the sympathy." Rania scowled at me. I was freezing myself, but I couldn't really admit that. Reluctantly, they sat down. But not without a massive over exaggerated sigh.

Rania took out the food and picked her burger up.

Out of nowhere, a dog came running. She screamed and threw the burger. The dog lunged for it, and we watched in shock as the dog swallowed it whole and bounded off. Amy and I burst out laughing, as we saw Rania's mouth open,

"That creature just ate my food..." She turned to me accusingly,

"That was your fault."

I scoffed,

"How exactly is it my fault?"

"You said you wanted to eat out here. I said lets stay inside, but we had to come here."

"Come on, you can have some of my food. It's fine." She glared at me and murmured something under her breath.

"Where are the owners? There seems to be no one in sight." Amy said. She was right. it was entirely deserted. We stood there for a few minutes waiting to see if anyone would arrive. But no one did and we started to walk away. I offered some food to Rania but she merely glared at me. I think she was still mad. I was munching on my food happily when Rania nudged me and whispered,

"It's Ibrahim." My heart skipped a beat as he noticed us and smiled.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?"

"You know the usual, just went into town. Watched a movie." I lied. I mentally slapped myself, why did I lie? There was no reason for me to lie. I was such an idiot.

"What did you watch then?" he asked.

"Well...we watched...I can't remember," I stuttered. Rania rolled her eyes as I realised I made a mistake.

"You can't remember what movie you watched. If you're going to lie, at least make it believable." There was an awkward silence before he spoke up again,

"Anyways, I'm going to be late for work, so I'll catch you guys later." Amy scrunched her eyes,

"When did you start working?"

"I started working at law firm a couple of weeks ago," he mockingly did a cheer with his arm and walked away. I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he was out of earshot. Rania hit me on the shoulder,

"Could you be any more awkward? I don't understand why you lied for, why not just tell the truth?" Amy did a 'she's crazy' gesture with her hand and I pushed her.

"I don't know, it's just so hard to have to talk to him. It's hard, you have to understand."

"It's not hard, you just have to be normal. He used to be your best friend, you know." Amy reasoned.

"Yeah exactly, emphasis on the 'used to'."

I remained silent as Rania and Amy started talking. I thought about everything that had happened. It was funny, you never knew where you were going to end up in life. I never would have thought that Ibrahim and I would just become strangers that could barely hold a 30 second conversation with one another.

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