Never Meant To Hurt You

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"Miu, I want to apologize for what happened between us." Sasuke started. "Like I said before; It's too late for apologies." I said with a frown. "Miu, I-"

"You what, Sasuke? I'm so sick and tired of hearing your lies! You meant what you said when you left! I'm never going to a believe a word you say! Never again!" I said. "I only said that stuff was because I needed to get stronger! If I didn't break the bond we had, I never would've gotten my power!" Sasuke argued.

"I should've known. It's all because of power," I whispered. "Even after all these years, distracting myself and trying to forget about what happened between us, I still can't get you out of my head. My heart still won't heal. The more I think I about you, the harder it gets for me, the more it hurts. It just keep breaking into little pieces. Back then, even now, I can't stop thinking about you,"

Tears began to stream down my face as my hair covered my eyes. "But why I babbling about this? Why am I even talking to you about it? You've obviously moved on, right? You don't care about me. The only think you have your eyes on is revenge... and power." I said, lowering my head a little.

Sasuke stood in front of me as he lifted my chin. "Who said I moved on? Who said I stopped loving you?" Sasuke asked. I frowned and slapped his hand away. "Liar." I said, coldly. "I'm not lying." Sasuke insisted.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it! I've heard enough!" My wings emerged from my back and I took off into the sky. "Miu!" 

I was going to fly back to the village. I can't see him. I'm such an idiot! I shouldn't have told him all that stuff! Lies... nothing but lies.

All I'll ever hear is lies. I gasped when I got tackled from behind, getting sent to the ground. Sasuke had his arms wrapped around me tightly as he was in his curse mark form. "Let me go!" I snapped, trying to push him away.

Sasuke turned me around and hugged me close to him. I frowned and tried shoving him away, but he was too strong. "Miu, please... I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I only wanted to get strong... and because I was afraid. Afraid I was going to lose you. I realized if I kept hurting you, I was eventually going to lose you. I didn't want that to happen, so I left the village to get strong for you. For us." Sasuke said.

My eyes widened slightly before frowning. I tried pushing him away again. "Lies! All lies! You're lying!" I screamed. "Leave me alone! Go away! I hate you! I hate you!" I began to pound my fists against his chest.

"I hate you! I hate you!" Tears freely escaped my eyes as I continued to hit him. "You can hit me all you want. It's okay, I deserve it. I deserve this because I broke your heart, and I'm sorry, Miu." Sasuke said, holding me closer as he closed his eyes.

I gritted my teeth until I gave up, sobbing into his chest. "I'm so sorry, Miu." Sasuke whispered as he placed a hand on the back of my head. I continued to sob in his chest as I hugged him.

After sobbing for two minutes, I composed myself as I sniffled. "Miu, look at me." Sasuke said. I lifted my head so I was looking at him. "Do you forgive me? Please, Miu. I want things to go back the way they were." Sasuke said.

I sniffed as he wiped a tear away with his thumb. "Let me see it." He said. "Nani?" I asked, looking at him confused. "Let me see that smile. I want to see the smile I always loved to see when I fell in love with Miu Shimizu. So, let me see it." Sasuke said.

I lowered my head slightly. "I can't smile." I said. "Yes, you can. Smile." Sasuke said. I shook my head. "Fine, have it your way."

I had no idea what he meant by that. But I soon caught on quickly when Sasuke began to tickle me. I laughed as I tried to get away from him, but to no avail.

"There's that smile. I've missed it." Sasuke said when he stopped tickling me. I panted softly as I stared at him. Sasuke leaned down and gently kissed me as my eyes went soft while a blush formed on my face.

"I've missed you, Miu," Sasuke sat me up and hugged me, allowing me to hug him back. "I love you."

When I heard those words, I felt like time stopped all on its own. Sasuke gently placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me again. I kissed back, closing my eyes. Oh, how I've missed this. I've missed these moments, just like how I've missed Sasuke.

Sasori's POV

After Miu ran off like that, I had not choice but to follow her. She's my cousin after all and I worry about her. I watched the whole scene happen in front of me. But what I didn't expect was to see this kissing scene.

I sighed. "Good grief, Miu." I said. A ghost smile appeared on my face as I watched over her. Now, my only concern is what will happen next?

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