Kiki Stirs Up Trouble

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I woke up after about three hours later. I sat up with a yawn before stretching. "Good evening, Princess. I hope you slept well." Isuke said. "I did. Thank you, Isuke." I said. "I told you, you needed the rest." Sasori said.

I gave a short laugh and looked around the room. "Hey, where's Kiki?" I asked. Sasori and Isuke looked at each other, then looked around the room. "That's strange. She was here a second ago." Isuke said. "Kiki!" Sasori called.

I got off the couch and went to her room to see if she was there. "Kiki? Are you in here?" I called. I looked in the closet and checked under the bed to see if she was hiding, but she wasn't there. Kiki normally does this sort of thing when she's bored.

She stays hidden until she wants to be found. Sasori, Isuke, and I did a whole sweep of the house and Kiki was nowhere to be found. "She's not here, so where else do you think she could've gone?" Sasori asked.

"Probably outside." Isuke said. "I'm gonna go look for her. Could you guys stay here in case she comes back?" I asked. "Sure." Sasori said with a shrug. "Yes, Princess." Isuke said, giving a bow. I smiled, then headed off to look for Kiki.

I searched high and low for Kiki and all around the village until I finally found her. Kiki was spotted in an alley with a bunch of grown men surrounding her. "Aren't you a little cutie? You're pretty far from home, aren't ya? Say, come with us and we'll take you to the Hokage." A perverted man said.

I frowned when he went to touch her. What surprised me was when Kiki frowned, she stomped on the man's foot. "Ow!" The man grabbed his foot, hopping around a bit. "You're dead, little girl!" 

"Bully! Drop dead, old man!" Kiki yelled as she stretched the corners of her mouth and stuck out her tongue to the men. "Uh-oh," I jumped down, getting in front of Kiki. "Please step away from her." I said, calmly. "Eh? And who are you?" One of them demanded.

"Get out of the way, Small Fry. This has nothing to do with you." The other guy said. "On the contrary, this is have everything to do with me. This young girl is my responsibility. So, I'd ask you to please leave her alone." I said, politely.

"Beat it, kid. Before you get hurt." The man said, shoving me back roughly. I took a few steps back before sighing. "I had a feeling it would come to this," I glanced at Kiki as she watched calmly. "Kiki, step back. This won't take long." I informed her.

Kiki gave  a small nod and took two steps back. "Grr... Don't get cocky, brat!" One of them dashed at me. I stepped aside and stuck out my foot, tripping him. Before he could fall on the ground, I kneed him in the stomach, then punched him in the face, making him fall back into a trashcan.

"Bitch!" His friends ran at me. I paused time momentarily and raised my hand out in front of me. I unfroze time and used Blast Wave to push them back, crashing into their friend. I stood over them with a frown.

"We can keep going at this if you'd like." I said, making my eyes turn red from the curse mark. The men jumped in fear before scrambling to their feet, running away. I watched them run off as I made my eyes stop glowing.

I looked back at Kiki as she tugged on my sleeve. "Piggyback." She said, requesting a piggyback ride. I did as she requested and put her on my back.

As I gave Kiki a piggyback ride, I walked through the village. "Kiki, you really shouldn't go off by yourself like that." I said. "Kiki's sorry. Kiki only wanted to walk around for a bit. She didn't think you would wake up so soon." She apologized.

"It's all right. Next time, have Sasori or Isuke come with you, okay?" I said. "Hai, Miu onee-chan." Kiki said. I noticed her voice had a hint of sadness in it. "Is something wrong, Kiki?" I asked. "Mm... Kiki's afraid." She said.

"Of what?"

"That Miu onee-chan is going to leave Kiki... just like how she did three years ago."

"Kiki, I came back for you, didn't I? I promised I'd come back for you when I was older, and I did."

"That's true."

"Kiki, I'm always going to be here for you. I promise."

Kiki held out her pinkie. "Pinkie promise?" She asked. I smiled softly and reached my hand back, entwining my pinkie with hers. "Pinkie promise." I confirmed.

"You know, I'm surprised you were able to stand up for yourself back there. It makes me wonder how strong you really are and how you would've look if you haven't kept yourself like this." I said.

I glanced back at her and noticed she was sound asleep. I smiled again and walked back to the house.

"You found her." Sasori noticed as I walked into the living room. "Yeah. She also fell asleep on the way back." I said. "Where did you find her?" Isuke asked. "She was in the village, kind of causing a small fight with some of the villagers." I explained.

"So, in other words, she was stirring up trouble." Sasori said, bluntly. "Well... Yeah, kind of." I agreed. "Oi! Kiki was not stirring trouble! Those men started it first!" Kiki said as she suddenly woke up from her nap.

I giggled slightly and set her down on the ground. I went to say something until I heard a voice. "Miu,"

I turned around, looking around the room. "Did you guys hear that?" I asked everyone. "Hear what?" Isuke asked. "I didn't hear anything." Sasori stated. I looked at Kiki for an answer, and she closed her eyes, shaking her head.

"Miu, we need to talk." Where was that coming from? Hold on... This is coming from someone's mind. But whose?

"I've gotta go." I said, quickly before running out of the house. "Princess, wait!" Isuke called after me. But I was already running out of the Leaf Village. Someone was obviously knew me and they wanted to see me.

But I couldn't pinpoint where that someone was. "Make a left after passing the fourth tree ahead of you." The voice said. I followed the voice's instructions, running further away from the Leaf Village.

I don't know how long I ran for, but I was definitely out of breath. "Okay, you brought me all the way out here. Now, show yourself." I said, still panting slightly. I looked around. "I said, show yourself!" I repeated, impatiently.

"Hello, Miu." I looked towards a tree as someone stepped out from behind it. I gasped.

"Sasuke..." I muttered, angrily. "How were you able to get within my mind communication range?" I demanded. "I was near the village. I had to talk to you alone." Sasuke said. "We have nothing to talk about." I said with a frown. 

I made my pink wings emerge from my back and I turned away from Sasuke. "Goodbye, Sasuke." I said. I attempted to fly away, but I gasped when something forced me down to the ground.

"Oof!" I landed on the ground with a semi-rough thud. I looked back, noticing a wire was wrapped around my left wing and Sasuke held the other end of it. "I just want to talk to you, Miu. Please, hear me out." Sasuke said.

My face went blank as I stared at him. It's just like back then... when he forced me to talk to him. But I don't want to relive the past.

"All right... I'll stay. Now, talk." I said, deactivating my wings.  

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