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Alex smiled, a wide toothless grin that was hidden by his messy mop of long brown locks.
"I'm Alethander Amiltin." He stood at the front of the large classroom. Most of the children weren't listening to him. He didn't care that much though, as long as he got to talk and wasn't told to shut up he was happy. Alex tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and turned to his teacher.
"You can go find a seat now," mr. Washington said with a contempt smile. Alex look around the room, searching for an open seat. There were many, almost one at every table. Alex could tell that some seats were off limits though, other kids near them were staring at him like a virus. One seat stood out to him, maybe because a small freckled boy was waving him over and pointing at it. For some reason he couldn't put his finger on, Alex chose that seat.
"Hi! I'm John Laurenth," the freckled boy was bouncing in his chair as Alex took the seat next to him. Alex noticed the other boy was also missing his two front teeth. Alex giggled.
"Wat?" John tilted his head, making some of his curly hair fall out of place.
"Your teeth!" Alex pointed to his own, showing the freckled boy that both of them were missing their two front teeth. John erupted in laughter at the small detail. He threw his head back which made his curls fly and his freckles shine. Once done, John tugged Alex's arm and pointed to the two other bus at their table.
"Dees are man freeends Lafay-Laf-Lafayette and Hercules," John said, stumbling over some of the words. One was tall, oddly lanky for child, and had frizzy hair pulled back tightly. The other, Alex thought, looked tough and sat spread out.
"bonjour, je m'appelle Lafayette," the one with frizzy hair said.
"Laf jutht liketh being confuthing,"John explained when he saw Alex's questioning expression.
"HercULES mulLIGAN!" the other squeaked and threw his hands in the air.
"Hi," Alex waved and gave them another toothless smile. He turned his attention because to John. The boy had taken strands of his hair and begun to braid the three locks together.
"Pretty," he whispered. John perked up when he heard this and abandoned his own braid. He took up pieces of Alex's messy hair and started to braid them instead. Alex giggled and looked at John's freckles.
"You," he said. John looked up from the messy braid.
"Huh?" He tilted his head and smiled. The gaping hole in his teeth made Alex giggle again.
"You're pretty," Alex poked one of John's freckles. John blushed.
"You're pretty too," John tucked a piece of his curly hair behind his ear. Alex took John hand in his. Their two small hands fit together perfectly.

My attempt at some Hamiltots because that's been most of what I've been reading, so I thought I'd try. They're just so cute when their tiny, aren't they?

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