It is time

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No One's POV
The moon was slowly setting as the scorching sun began to rise.
The twinkling stars hid as rays of light reached them and the moon was out of sight until tomorrow night.
There was a slight breeze that made the trees dance.
Dusk's POV
"Leave me alone!" Kat screached like
Well that's the weirdest sentence I've ever said in my life.
"You should of thought about that way before you were going to go into a make out session with your 'hotter than the sun itself' boyfriend~!" I purred, chuckling to myself again.
"Like you never going to kiss anyone!" She pouted, eyes slimming.
A smirk plastered onto my face.
I never actually ever thought of kissing anyone or was ever going to.
As soon as I was about to object, she sighed and rolled her eyes.
"You guardsmen these days! You don't know when and when not to give a princess privacy, do you?" She let out another sigh of annoyance and continued,"You know I have the total power of the sun goddess herself so I and I alone can make the world suffer but I choose not to but that can all change!" She says, grabbing my shirt and pulling me up to her face... Luna was stood at the door, laughing.
What a surprise!
"Dusk and Katherine sitting in a tree K-" Katherine interupted before she could finish.
"Carry on that sentence. I. Dare. You..." She growled.
Luna looked at her sister and I smugly.
"You sure you both don't want to make out" She laughed again, like the crazy psycho maniac she is
"Yes!" We screamed frantically.
Luna shook her head side to side.
"Whatever you lovebirds!" Luna joked.
She can't take anything seriously.
Her or her brother.
Oh! I forgot to mention him.
He's called Haydon.
To be honest, I'm pretty sure he has anger issues.
I am quite confident when I say that I think he takes his anger out of his sister.
And no, I don't mean shouting, I mean kicking, pushing and beating her.
Weird thing is, she doesn't mind it.
She claims it's because she's inherited strong powers but I know she's masochistic: she enjoys pain.
According to her, pain is hilarious.
I honestly don't get her and I read others like a book.
She's not like everyone else: she's not normal, she's different.
Luna's POV
I left them lovebirds and I was beaming brighter than usual.
"Something made you happy, Mong" Saturn mocked.
"You almost look twice as bad as usual" Ibackfired.
Saturn just rolled his diamond blue eyes in response and plodded off.
I just entered my bedroom and flopped onto my bed.
It had been a long day and I felt very tired.
My eyes began to close as I entered into the darkness.

(Time skip to the next day brought to you by bipper tributes)
I woke up and sprung out of bed: I felt like today would be great.
I walked outside into the huge garden.
Everybody was already there.
I walked up to Katherine and we chatted for ages until Saturn and Dusk walked up.
"Look what the cat dragged in!" I spat at Saturn as he approached my sister.
"Shut up" he snapped.
Dusk's POV
I approached Luna and Katherine with Saturn.
We are on good terms and we are pretty much best friends.
As Saturn said shut up, Kat and I laughed
"You think this is funny!?" Was Luna's only response.
"Yes! It's hilarious!" Saturn chuckled.
"I think it is too!" Kat giggled as she playfully punched his arm.
"What do you think Dusk?" They chorused.
"I think it's pretty funny" I smiled a little.
"Fight me!" Luna raged at me.
"Love to but can't" I explained, looking at my nails in a girly manner.
"Why? You scared?" Luna taunted.
"No, it's just that you're a princess and I'm a guard: I don't want little Princess Luna to get hurt, do I?" I joked, talking to her as if she was a dog.
She just growled in annoyance in response.
Kat's POV
Oh my god... I ship them so much.
They are kind of like the duos that are constantly at competition with each other, always wanting to be better than the other.
It's pretty adorable to be honest.
Saturn's POV
I seriously hate Luna.
She's always got this look on the face which says 'get away from my sister or I'll kill you'.
I am sometimes taken back by things like this but then again, I like testing my boundaries, seeing how much patience others have.
I seen Luna rant at Dusk, who kept a smug smile on his face.
After their little 'fight' Kat and I just smirked in response.
"Duna!" My beautiful Kat shouted.
When I say my, I mean she's mine, mine and no one elses.

hen Kat speaks, I feel my insides explode, NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY YOU DIRTY MINDED FREAKS!
Anyway, I feel butterflies in my stomach.
I just want her to like me the way I like her.
Luna's POV
Saturn has always been yandere for my sister.
I'm happy someone loves her but then again, I'm kind of jealous.
Everyone loves her, gives her all of the attention and what do I get?
Not even a pat on the back or get what I truly deserve.
The others sit there laughing and joking.
I sigh and walk away sadly.
My bedroom door opened and was slammed shut.
I heard footsteps echoing behind me but I ignored them.
"Luna, what wrong?" Dusk's voice whispered through the solid door.
I didn't reply.
I didn't want to reply.
"Come on Luna, you can tell me!"
His voice turned more into a plead.
After 30 minutes straight, he sighed in defeat and strolled away.
I got to hand it to him: he is quite determined.
I snapped out of them thoughts and sat down at my desk.
I ripped open a book and placed it in front of me.
I flicked the pages to the page about demons and summoning them.
It was time.

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