Am I The Bad Guy?

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Luna's POV
I heard Kat saying to Dusk she's going to Saturn's castle.
Great, it's just Dusk, Haydon, me and Miki.
I stood on the balcony, closing my eyes as the cold and haunting wind made my hair dramatically flow.
The trees danced and the bushes swayed.
I could sense Dusk's presence behind me and as soon as he was about to open his mouth, I said something.
"Leave me alone, Dusk, go guard someone else somewhere else" I told him.
"But Luna-" I decided to interupt him.
"No buts!" I growled, turning round to him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
"You know what, I like butts~" He purred into my ear.
A loud slap echoed out.
Kat's POV
I nearly arrived at Saturn's castle when I heard a loud slap sound.
'Well that's definitely the sound of Dusk fail flirting with Lulu' I thought.
Lulu is a nickname for Luna: she hates it but it's funny to taunt her with.
I knocked on Saturn's castle's door.
He opened, wearing a big smile.
Eagerly, he hugged me tight and pulled me inside.
"You're just in time for dinner!" He beamed.
I grinned in response as he placed my dinner in front of me.
"Saturn, a serious matter came up yesterday..." I trailed off.
"What happened?" He asked, titling his head a little.
"Dusk....yesterday he brought a child back-" Saturn cut me off.
"Wait....You're an Aunt! That makes me an Uncle! Wait a moment....Luna was pregnant!?" He fangirled.
"No. Her mother was found dead in an alleyway and he rescued her and brought her back to the castle" I explained.
He groaned.
"And I thought my ship was cannon" he grumpily said.
"There's still time" I whisper to him and kiss his cheek lightly as I headed to my room in his castle.

Time skip because the writer is way to lazy to write the parts in between

Dusk's POV
It's been about 12 hours since Luna slapped me across my face but then again it's worth it.
She's fun to mess with: unlike her sister, who's a flirting machine, Luna hates flirting and the idea of love in general.
I find Luna talking to Katherine who returned with Saturn.
Saturn and Luna glared daggers at each other.
They were located in the stable, Luna saddling up whilst Katherine and Saturn were dismounting.
"Looks like lover boy woke up" Saturn taunted.
"S-Shut up!" I snapped.
Luna just laughed.
"You think this is funny!?" I shouted, my voice cracking mid-sentence.
She just laughed harder.
"It's adorable!" She roared in laughter.
I folded my arms and blushed in embarrassment.
She pet my head and giggled.
I mean, she was on her horse when she pet my head to mock me.
Then again, I'm slightly taller than her so if anyone was going to pet the other's head, it should of been me instead.
I was a little cheesed but I kept on a smile.
"Where's the kid at Kat?" Saturn asked her as Kat dragged Saturn out of the stables leaving me and Luna.
"Heeeyyyy Luna" I smiled.
She rolled her eyes.
"Hi" she answered, finishing saddling up.
"Where you going?" I asked.
"Into the forest by the river" she replied.
"Need a guard to assist you? A strong, brave, loyal and incredibly cute one? I grinned.
"I think you got your description wrong and no" she smirked.
I chuckled lightly as she galloped away on her shire.
She sure is different to the rest if us.
Luna's POV
I shook the reigns of my horse, indicating I wanted it to go faster which it did.
As I approached a calm stream, I jumped off my horse and pet it's nose.
My horse was well trained so it sat as I walked away.
I was a few metres in front of my horse when I heard a twig snap above me.
My horse became startled as a thick branch dropped in front of him.
I tried to calm him down but his heavy hooves trampled me as he galloped back to the castle.
My eyes started to close as darkness clouded my vision, making it hard to see.
Before I passed out due to blood loss, I seen a shadowy figure approach me and whisper in my ear: 'everythin' will be fine'.
Dusk's POV
I have been waiting to see Miki all day but Kat and Saturn have been in there and Katherine wishes me to grant private time for the two which I agreed to.
I walk away from Kat's room into the stables.
I sighted a mad stallion darting towards me, luckily I calmed him down.
That's when I realised....It was covered in fresh blood and to make it worse....It was the princess' horse.
My blood ran cold as I stared at the blood covered hooves: images of Luna being mercilessly stamped on by one of the most bulkiest horses ever.
Anger plagued me as I drew my blade in anger and struck the horse with it.
The horse neighed in response and fell to the floor, Katherine, Haydon, Miki and Saturn coming running in.
"Dusk! What is the meaning of this!?" Saturn demanded.
"This horse killed Luna, it ran back here with no passanger covered in blood, this horse deserves death!" I raged.
Katherine and Haydon's eyes filled up at me saying Luna was dead.
Honestly, I would be the same but my anger took over.
"A royal funeral will be held in the moonlight tomorrow to show respect to my sister" Haydon sobbed.
'What am I going to tell the king!?' I thought to myself.
The horse lay slowly dying and whimpering but as Miki walked up to it and pet it's nose, it calmed down.
I dragged her back from the horse, scared if it will attack her too.
The horse began to pant heavily as if it was in the last moments of his life.
Miki shoved me, slipping away from me and kneeled down next to the animal.
She didn't mind that she was in a pool of blood.
Miki stroked his nose, comforting the horse as it breathed it's final breath and slowly passed on.
The girl looked at me with tears in here eyes.
"I understand what you did, you're only trying to protect us just like how mom tried to protect me" she sighed, grabbing me in a tight embrace which I pet her back.
'This kid is making me feel like the bad guy' I thought as I gulped.
Am I really the bad guy of this chapter of life?

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