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Kat's POV
I giggle at Saturn's joke.
He's a really funny, laid back guy.
At first I thought of him as a bad seed but somehow, he changed.
I am so glad he did.
He makes me nervous but then again, he makes me happy.
Oh no, he noticed the heat rising to my cheeks.
"Kat, are you alright?" His voice softly spoke.
If I wasn't already, by now I would be as red as a tomato.
"Y-Yes. Quite A-Alright" I stutter.
He chuckles faintly and pats my head.
I seen a light dusting of red on his cheeks.
Is he...blushing?
Thank god Luna isn't here.
Before I finished that thought, the colour in the world seemed to drain as time stood still.
Everything became lifeless, heck even I did!
Luna's POV
I finished lighting the candles and prepared the summoning equipment.
I whispered the curse as I sat in the middle of the candles and I closed my eyes as if meditating.
The colour started to drain out of the world as time began to slow and everything became frozen.
I took a step back from the candles which were blown out by a massive draft coming from nowhere.
An evil laugh echoed through the castle as a blinding light came from where the candles stood.
"At last! At long long last! I'm finally here! It is good to be back!" Shrieked the evil demonic female voice.
What appeared to be a body of a female stepped out.
"Who are you!?" I cried.
"Name's Lucifer, also known as the she-devil" She smirked, looking down on me.
"I have a job for you demon!" I shouted, finding courage out of nowhere.
"I'm listening" She boomed, summoning a chair out of mid air and levitating herself onto it.
"I'm want you to get rid of my sister, Katherine and her stupid lover, Saturn!" I grinned.
"Anyone you would not like me to kill?" She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
I though for a moment and shook my head.
"How about that friend of yours, he seems to be quite close, no?" She leant in, inches away from my face.
"Pfft, like me and him are close!" I laughed, shoving her face out of the way.
She seemed very taken back by this.
We waited another 5 minutes.
Still silence.
"So about-" I was cut off.
"You insulted me!" She roared.
I titled my head to the side confused.
"You shall pay dearly!?" She screamed as she set her hand on fire and held it above my face.
I closed my eyes but waited for the impact but it never came.
I slowly reopened them to find her arm outstretched.
"What?" I asked.
"The deal, I'll give you what you want if you give me what I want, deal?" She questioned.
"Deal...I guess" I say as my hand joined hers and set on fire too.
I felt my insides burn as I fell to the floor, Lucifer smiled.
"It'll be over soon" She said.
"What did you do to me!?" I snarled.
"I'm just joining my soul onto yours, we will be connected that way, you see? I will be here beside you to help!" She cheerfully said, "Having an almighty powerful demon by your side!" Gesturing to herself.
My eyelids started to go heavy as the colour poured back into the world and time resumed.
Lucifer vanished by my soul felt her presence.
'Everything will be fine' is the last thing I heard in my mind before I passed out but not in my room, I was in the woods somehow.
Must be to do with demonic powers and things, or plot convenience.

Time skip brought to you by Luna breaking fourth wall. x3

Haydon's POV
Where is my good for nothing little sister?!
I need to beat her, she forgotten to clean my room spotless again.
I storm out of the castle and walk cautiously into the forest.
There I see my little sister.
"There you are you lazy useless idiot!" I spit at her as she opened her eyes.
It appears as if she passed out.
"What's wrong sister, you passed out in the middle of nowhere!" I shout at her as she starts to shake.
Odd, she never had a problem with me shouting at her before.
Her eyes scrunch up and she holds her head as and screeches out.
"Luna, what's wrong!?" My voice having all of the anger in it taken out.
She laughed evil as she got out of my grasp and opened her eyes.
They were not the storm cloud grey I remembered, they were yellow with black slit pupils.
She grabbed me by my neck and pinned me again a tree behind me.
"I do not permit you to hurt Luna- I meant me anymore, do you understand!?" She angrily spoke.
She had already summoned a sword and it had slightly pierced my neck, I nodded and whimpered in response.
She dropped me and her eyes went to normal.
I looked at her, I honestly was afraid of her, I never knew she was like this.
There must be an explanation!

Kat's POV
I rolled my eyes slightly but blushed as Saturn flirted with me.
We were still in the castle yard with Dusk standing there feeling very very uncomfortable.
"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Sugar is Sweet and So are You~" Saturn purred into my ear.
I blushed madly and pushed him lightly away.
Dusk groaned in response.
"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, If I could be with Anyone, I would pick You~" I flirted back.
Dusk growled in response.
Saturn just blushed.
"What's wrong Casanova? Can't get women to swoon over you?" Saturn taunted.
"Shut up." Dusk spat.
"Be nice!" I nudged Saturn, giggling slightly.
Dusk sighed.
"Seriously though, what's wrong?" Saturn asked him.
"Luna's acting strange-"
"She's always acting strange!" I joked.
"Yeah but before I heard another voice coming from her room-"
"Oh, kinky~" Saturn wiggled his eyebrows at him.
"Not like that! It was an evil laugh but then...It was as it time froze" he finished, rubbing his temples as if he was trying to recall.
I felt like time froze too but that's a mystery for another day.

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