Chapter 6: Glaring Daggers

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I dedicate this chapter to lovelygoddess39 for being an awesome fan :)


Francheska's POV

I pulled Jonah down the hall as far away from that Valerie girl as I could.

“What's wrong, Francheska?” Jonah asked me, alarm showing all over his face.

“What's wrong is that you are associating with rift-raft.” I told him vehemently.

His hazel eyes narrowed at my comment.

“You don't even know her, Francheska.” He said angrily, stopping dead in his tracks.

“You shouldn't associate with people like her, Jonah. What would you parents think about this Valerie?” Just saying her name made me want to slap the bitch. Who did she think she was, trying to steal Jonah from me?

“Francheska, I think I am perfectly capable of choosing who to associate with and who not to.” He replied, his fist clenched into tight balls.

“Can't you see that girl is nothing but trouble? Look at whose her aunt! It's Syrina Turner for goodness sake! That woman is insane.”

“I'm done talking to you, Francheska.” He said with finality and he walked off in the opposite direction as me.

I stood there in the hallway, seething with rage. That Valerie had only talked to Jonah a few times and already her claws were sunk deep into him. Well, I was going to get Jonah back from her no matter what the cost is!

Valerie's POV

It was the day after I had been released from the hospital. I was walking down the hall at Greenwhich High, towards my locker, when the girl I had met in the gym on the day I was attacked, greeted me.

“Valerie! You're back. How are you doing?” Naumi, I believe her name was.

“Hi, Naumi. I'm good.” I replied honestly as I put in my combination and opened my locker.

“That's good. I heard your aunt told you about being magical and all.” She said more as a statement instead of a question.

“Yeah. I found out that my dad was a magician and my mom was a witch. It got me to thinking if that was the cause of them getting mugged. Though, I think their mugging wasn't a mugging. I'm thinking it was a murder. I'm sure I'll find out more answers about their deaths soon, but for now I need to get going to first period.” I explained, pulling my history book out. “I have history.”

“Oh. Me too! I'll walk with you.” She responded and I smiled at her kind gesture.

We had almost made it to the History classroom when I spotted Francheska, walking down the hallway with a medium-height girl who had long golden hair and dark brown eyes. When the girl spotted me, she glared daggers at me.

“Um. . . Naumi?”


“Just curious, who's that girl with Francheska and why is she glaring at me?” I asked.

“Oh. That's Valista Thomas. She's like Francheska's sidekick. I suspect she is glaring at you because Francheska most likely told her something along the lines of you stealing Jonah from her.”

“I didn't steal him from anyone!” I declared, frustrated.

“Nope. You sure didn't, but as far as Francheska is concerned you're her biggest enemy now.” Naumi said and it made me nervous at the thought as we entered the classroom and took our seats.

Throughout the rest of the day one thought stuck with me. If Francheska had been capable of attacking me that day in the gym, what else was she capable of? More importantly, how far would she go to get Jonah to be with her? Would she take me out just because he showed any interest in me? Even, if it was just as friends?

It was the end of the day. I was putting all of my books away in my locker when Francheska approached me, an entire group of girls behind her.

Francheska stared daggers at me.

I couldn't understand it. What had I done to make this girl hate me so much? I mean, I barely even knew her. In fact, I didn't even know her at all, but did that matter to her? Heck, no! It didn't matter even the slightest bit to her. Ever since the day I had met Jonah, Francheska Johnson had hated me and I really didn't understand why.

“Francheska, what is your problem? Why do you hate me so much?” I practically shouted the words at her.

“Hmm. . . I was just about to ask you the same thing.” She said coldly.

“Francheska, I don't even know you! How could I hate you?”

“Then explain why you keep interfering with mine and Jonah's relationship?” She asked, narrowing her yellow-gold eyes at me.

“What the hell are you talking about? Jonah doesn't even like you, let alone is he in a relationship with you.” I could feel the rage building inside of me.

“See what I mean, girls? Valerie Turpin just can't stand it that Jonah may like someone else other than herself.” Francheska stated, turning towards the large group of girls that were surrounding us in the hallway.

“She's pathetic.” A girl with bright red hair scoffed.

“What a slut.” Another girl muttered loud enough for me to hear.

“I've done nothing wrong!” I declared.

“You've done everything wrong!” Francheska shouted, her nostrils flaring and her fists clenched. She stepped up closer to me, invading my personal.

It was at that moment that Naumi and Jonah run down the hall after spotting the scene unfolding between Francheska and I.

“What's going on here?” Jonah asked, looking from me to Francheska.

“Nothing.” Francheska replied harshly, stepping back from me.

“Valerie, are you okay?” Naumi asked me, concern in her face.

“Y-Yeah. . . I think.” I answered, rubbing the back of my neck.

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