Prologue: A Terrible Nightmare Come True

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We had been walking towards the park exit, Mom and Dad holding hands. It had been beautiful at the park that day and I felt as if nothing could change the day from being such a good one. Boy was I naive!

“Valerie, stay close.” My father's voice was low and cautious.

“What's wrong, dad?” I asked him before I saw the two people dressed in all black appear out of nowhere. One was a black woman with long dark hair and amber-colored eyes. The other was a white male with blonde hair and blue eyes. The male wore a sinister look on his face while the female wore a slightly cheerful expression.

“Just stay close, okay, sweetie?” He replied, smiling so as not to alarm me.

“Who are those people?” I was beginning to feel more and more confused at their sudden appearance.

“Just stay close, honey.” My mother told me and she took my hand in her's, pulling me closer to them.

With every step towards the exit, I felt my pulse quicken and I felt fear begin to rise in the pit of my stomach.

“Excuse us. . .” My dad said in a strong voice, but by the look on his face, I could tell he was frightened.

“You're not going anywhere.” I let out a little shriek as the male came up behind me and pulled me away from my mother.

“No! Please, don't hurt her!” Both of my parents pleaded with the man whose strong grip I couldn't escape.

“And why would we hurt her?” The woman asked, her hair floating behind her as she walked.

“Yeah. We like her, don't we, Imadaius?” My captor said and his voice sent cold chills up my spine.

“She's quite feisty, isn't she, Garrett?” The woman, called Imadaius, said.

“Yes. That she is. I see why the shadow goddess chose her.”

“Let go of her!” Dad declared angrily.

“Chill out, old man. We're not hurting her.” Imadaius stated and she crossed her arms in front of herself.

“What do you want?” Dad demanded through clenched teeth.

“Well, the shadow goddess wants children, so we want your daughter.” Imadaius replied, a small grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.

“The shadow goddess? It can't be true!” Mom shrieked, fear showing in her face.

“Yes! It's very true. She is preparing to arise again and she will succeed.” Garrett said and both of my parents' eyes went wide in shock.

“You both know that in order for that to happen she needs children to mark.” Dad told them, frowning sullenly.

“Oh, we know all about that! That's why we're taking your daughter and going to kill you!” Imadaius chuckled a menacing laugh.

“No!! We won't let you do that!” My parents poised themselves in a fighting stance. I gasped when I saw the orbs of golden energy in their hands.

“Ah, so you want a fight?” Garrett remarked in an odd tone.

“Let go of our daughter!” My mother tossed her orb at Garrett, but he let go of me and deflected it with a dark shield he made with his hands.

“You really shouldn't have done that. Now I'm mad!” Imadaius formed a large dark orb in her hands and without a moment's warning thrust it towards my parents, knocking them down.

“You always look hot when you're angry, honey! Now let me take these fools out!” Garrett told Imadaius. He moved his hands in an odd gesture and if I had blinked I wouldn't have seen the lightning that struck my parents.

“Mom! Dad!” I ran towards them, dropping down to my knees as I reached them. Both of them had pained expressions on their face and they kept gasping for breath.

“V. . . .Va. . . Valerie. . .” Dad struggled to talk, coughing loudly.

“Yes, Dad?”

“Go to. . . Find your. . . Aunt Syrina. . . She'll keep you safe. . .” Mom coughed loudly as well.

“Aunt Syrina?” I asked, tears filling my eyes as I watched my parents dying.

“We love you, Valerie. . .” Those were the last words I heard my parents ever say.

I clenched my fists, standing up and facing the people who had appeared in the park and made my day a terrible nightmare come true.

“You killed them. . .” I whispered, not wanting to believe that my parents were dead. In a louder voice I yelled, “You killed them!”

I rushed towards Imadaius and Garrett only to freeze in my tracks when a blinding light filled the air and a beautiful woman appeared. She wore a loose-fitting dress and had long black hair that flew behind her as she walked towards me. Looking down at my parents' now lifeless bodies, she smiled pleasantly.

“Well done.” She told Garrett and Imadaius, grinning a dazzling smile.

Then, turning to me she spoke in a melodic voice. “Hello, Valerie.”

I just stood there, looking at the woman, awe-struck, not being able to move under the hypnotic trance her mystic red eyes were putting me in.

“The time will come when I will need you one day. . .” The woman bent down and kissed the palm of my hand.

I groaned at the searing pain her kiss left.

“Until me meet again, my child.” The woman's melodic voice was the last thing I remember hearing as my world was thrown into darkness and shadows.

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